


  • Using the overlay and statistical function of GIS The geo-hazard risk zonation is carried out .

    利用GIS系统的空间叠加与统计功能,对全区进行了地质灾害危险 区划

  • A genetic analysis of cultured populations of cobia with microsatellite markers Relationship Between Diaspore Traits and Inter-tidal Zonation of Non-viviparous Mangrove Species

    军曹鱼全人工繁殖群体遗传特征的SSR分析非胎生 红树植物繁殖体特征与 带关系

  • Some diagnostic criteria for mineralized granites are summarized and reviewed which include tectonic setting zonation of granite mobility of ore fluid and geochemical and mineralogical indicators .

    本文归纳总结了花岗岩成矿的几个判别标志:大地构造背景、花岗岩的 环带 构造、成矿流体可迁移性及自交代作用、矿物学和地球化学特徵。

  • Binary Weights of Evidence ( Wofe ) Modeling and Its Application to Zonation of Karst Collapse

    二值证据权(Wofe)模型岩溶塌陷 区划 研究

  • Zonation on Ecological Adaptability of Tobacco Plantation in Yanbian Based on GIS

    基于GIS的延边烤烟种植生态适宜 区划 研究

  • The distribution and zonation of anomalous elements in the Hatu gold deposit of Xinjiang were expounded .

    讨论了新疆哈图金矿异常元素在三度空间上的分布特征和指示 元素 规律


    能源危机使煤炭业又东山再起。晋东南上石炭统山西组的( 竹蜓)类

  • Assessment and zonation of flood disaster risk in Henan Province based on GIS

    基于GIS的河南省洪涝灾害风险评估与 区划研究

  • Have a different proportion of minerals in the bed surface zonation obvious concentrate high quality easy operation and adjustment and so on .

    具有不同比重矿物在床面上 明显,精矿质量高,操作和调节方便等特点。

  • In a simple salt pan the segregation is expressed by the zonation of saline minerals .

    在一个简单的盐盒中,分离作用表现为盐类矿物 带状 分布

  • Dynamic character zonation and evaluation on engineering site in Qinglong county Qinhuangdao City

    秦皇岛市青龙县城工程场地动力特征及 分区评价

  • The rock texture and petrotectonics on space distribution exhibit a regular zonation .


  • The shift in emphasis from the use of macrofossils to microfossils for zonation caused by oil exploration has already been noted .

    由石油勘探引起的划 重点化石已经显然由大化石转移到 微体化石。

  • Public Participation in Division of Marine Functional Zonation in China and Assessment of the Effects

    公众参与海洋功能 区划 理论研究及效果评价

  • Zonation of ketone body and glucose metabolism was studied in hepatocyte preparations enriched with cells from the periportal or the perivenous zone of the liver lobule .

    用大鼠肝脏门静脉或肝静脉周围的肝细胞来研究葡萄糖和 酮体生成的区域 分布

  • A strain energy method for unloading zonation is presented and the application of Xiaowan Hydropower Station has confirmed its feasibility and efficiency .

    给出了岩体卸荷 的应变能方法,小湾水电站的实际应用表明该方法是可行的、有效的。

  • Research on Hazard Zonation of Debris Flows in Xiuyan County Liaoning Province Based on GIS

    基于GIS的辽宁省岫岩县泥石流灾害危险 区划研究

  • They can be divided into low sulphidation and high sulphidation types with typical wall rock alteration and alteration zonation of epithermal de-posit .

    这些矿床可分为高硫化型和低硫化型,且都具有典型的围岩蚀变、蚀变 等矿床特征。

  • Technical directives for the division of marine functional zonation


  • The application of GIS-based logistic regression for geological hazards zonation

    基于GIS的Logistic回归模型在地质灾害危险 区划中的应用

  • Ore-bearing faults are determined by analysing of faults primary anomalies and elementary zonation .

    利用断裂构造原生晕和元素 确定了含矿断裂;

  • The slip plane slide direction and landslide zonation are determined by method of data visualization of monitoring data .

    采用数据可视化技术对大型滑坡 巨大数据进行分析处理,确定了滑动面位置、滑动方向和对滑坡进行 危险 分区

  • Technique to Regional Risk Zonation of Environmental Pollution Accident and Its Application

    区域环境污染事件风险 分区技术及其应用

  • The Heritage Value of Mountain Vertical Zonation in Temperate Desert Region of China

    中国温带荒漠山地垂直 地带 的遗产价值

  • Such problems as lithological discrimination reservoir zonation and geological parameter calculation have been faced with a difficult problem on log evaluation of the glutinite formation .

    东营凹陷北部陡坡带砂砾岩体广泛发育,该类地层的岩性识别、储层 划分、地质参数计算等一直是测井评价所面临的难题。

  • Metasomatic alteration and its zonation is the important base for the metallogenic model .

    交代蚀变作用和它的 是成矿模式的基础;

  • Morphology and cytohistological zonation appeared different between cone apex and the vegetative shoot apex .

    雌球果原基与营养茎端在外部形态及内部细胞组织学 分区结构有明显差异。

  • The Correlated Investigation of Zonation of Fascia Pedicel and the Area of the Modified Medial Fasciocutaneous Flap of the Lower Leg

    小腿内侧筋膜蒂皮瓣的筋膜蒂 分区与皮瓣切取面积的相关研究

  • Application of Logging Curves to the Mesozoic Stratum Zonation in Jiyang Depression

    测井曲线在济阳坳陷中生界地层 划分中的应用

  • Vertical zonation of land use

    土地利用的垂直 分布