Although wavelet transforms ( WTs ) are being used to process fault signals of power system widely . Wavelet transforms can only filter white noises and are useless to filter colored noises .
小波变换在电力系统的故障信号处理中得到广泛地应用,然而,小波变换只能消除白色噪声,对 有色噪声不起作用。
Resist agent for sheep shearing
威佳防染剂 WTS 在羊剪绒皮上的应用
WTS Common Remote There are many different types of digital transmission schemes for telemetry seismic instruments .
WTS3510 × A 电缆 遥测 短节常见的电缆遥测地震 位数字传输方案有不同类型。
In order to connect it with the 6000 surface system and the 5700 surface system the communication protocol 、 the data format and the parameter have been integrated to satisfy the requirements of the data transmission protocol of the WTS .
同时为兼容国产6000型地面系统和引进的5700型地面系统,对 井下 仪与地面 系统的通信协议、数据格式及参数 含义进行了整合,以满足 WTS通信协议的要求。
The wafer transfer system ( WTS ) is the special equipment in the wafer production line and it is used for transferring wafers automatically .
晶圆片 倒片系统是晶圆片生产线的专用设备,用于自动转移晶圆片的工序。
5721 test system is an important equipment to test WTS logging tool .
5721检测系统是检测5700的 WTS 井下仪的重要设备。
It is important to develop a wind turbine simulator ( WTS ) in the lab without natural wind resource and actual wind turbines when studying technologies in wind energy conversion systems .
本文深入研究风力机模拟系统,在分析 当前方法的基础上,提出了一种 风力机风轮模拟器,在实验室搭建了一套风力发电模拟系统。
abbr.Wideband Telemetry Subsystem 宽带遥测子系统