zone field

[计] 区段信息

  • According to Plane Wave Spectrum ( PWS ) theory distribution of extraneous waves in angular domain will be obtained by making inverse Fourier transform to test zone field which provides the guidance for eliminating them .

    根据平面波谱理论,对静 空间 做反傅里叶变换,可以在角度域反演出干扰波分布规律,从而为排除干扰源提供理论依据。

  • From the basic concept of focusing this paper calculates Fennel zone radiation field of uniform radiation round caliber .

    并从聚焦的基本概念入手,推导了均匀辐射圆口径的菲涅尔 辐射

  • Calculations of the propagation of the tunnel distressed zone and stress field around the tunnel up to the surface were performed by means of numerical model with the finite difference method .

    在联拱隧道 隔墙等应力集中部位采用土压力盒与振弦式传感器记录仪对应力进行了量测。

  • The thesis discusses the developing characters of the fault and fold in the region and makes an emphasis on the northern Qaidam fault zone by field investigations and dating techniques .

    与其它盆地相比,柴北缘中西段地区地面构造非常发育,因此论文论述了研究区的断裂和褶皱发育特征,着重对柴北缘断裂 进行了 野外调查和测年分析。

  • The formation distribution and scale of gold lode zone ore field deposits and ore bodies are controlled by the shear fracture zone consisting of nearly N S thrust and NE tension fault .


  • In the Loess Plateau region it is hardly for nitrate to leach below the root zone in field when the amount of total water both from natural rainfall and irrigation is smaller than or close to the annual average precipitation in corn growing period .

    黄土高原地区,当地面接纳水量接近或小于夏玉米生育期内多年平均降雨量时,NO3~&N在土体 的淋移深度很难超出作物根系 分布

  • There are four areas in a PivotTable each of which is represented by a drop zone in the field list .

    在数据透视表中有四个区域,在 字段列表中每一个 区域代表一个拖拽 区域

  • By using the far zone field strength as well as the calculated formula of radiation resistance of the antenna can be got ( when ka1 ) .

    同时利用远 给出了该天线辐射电阻计算公式(当ka1时)。

  • Big-scale ore-prospecting prognosis refers to carrying out 1 ∶ 25000-1 ∶ 50000 ∶ 10000 or bigger-scale prognosis in already known ore-forming zone or ore field .

    大比例尺找矿预测是指在已知成矿 矿田内开展的1∶25000&1∶50000、1∶10000或更大比例尺找矿预测。

  • It is necessary to perform a correction for the Cagniard resistivity of the non far zone field obtained by the EH-4 electrical conductivity image forming system .

    EH-4系统实测的卡尼亚视电阻率在非远 时应作必要的校正。

  • In recent years theme parks has turned to be a hot zone in the field of tourism research in china . And with the great development it will receive more scholars ' concern .

    主题公园是近年来我国旅游研究的热点 领域,并将随着我国主题公园的蓬勃发展,受到更多学者的关注。

  • Under the condition of western zone oil field in South China Sea plugging agent formulas and their toxicity matching technology and their support agents were researched in the paper .

    在南海 西部 油田条件下,针对海上堵水存在问题,从堵剂配方、堵剂环保性能评价、堵水工艺和配套用剂这3个方面开展研究。

  • In the Add this Web site to the zone field enter the Web address of the host name so that single sign-on ( SSO ) can be enabled to the list of Web sites shown in the Web sites field .

    在AddthisWebsitetothe zone 字段中,输入主机名的Web地址,这样就能在Websites字段中的Web站点列表上启用单点登录(SSO)。

  • Ways of computer simulation such as field simulation zone simulation field net simulation discrete radiation algorithm and etc. are discussed based on the theory of fire duality and fire-blow pressure .

    在火灾双重性和火风压理论基础上,对地下建筑火灾的计算机模拟方法,如场模拟、 区域模拟、 网模拟、离散辐射算法等进行讨论。

  • It is used in the research of clay mineral swelling and evolution in hydrocarbon zone protection and field exploration .

    可以在油 气层保护及 油田开发中对粘土矿物迁移和变化进行直观分析;

  • In this paper according to the results obtained from general representation of horizontal dipoles on antenna-field inside metallic cylindrically-tipped wedges we may easily calculate general representation of horizontal dipoles on far zone field strength at any length of antenna .

    本文根据已经导出的在金属圆柱体、楔形体内水平振子天线 场强的一般表示式,计算出任意长度时水平振子天线远 的表达式。

  • Analysis of the TM near Zone Scattering field of ZD perfectly conducting objects with improved FD-TD method

    改进的 FD-TD法分析二维理想导体TM近 散射问题

  • Based on the derived expressions of ρ xy and ρ yx using polynomial segmental approach the correction method for the non far zone field is established by calculating the full frequency domain apparent resistivity .

    基于导出的EH-4系统的 卡尼亚电阻率ρxy和ρyx的表达式,采用多项式分段逼近的方法,建立EH-4系统 测深数据的全频域的视电阻率算法。

  • The physics mechanics characteristic of powder ash determines that the security of the dam is closely related with the seepage zone of ash field of the power plant .

    对于火电厂 而言,粉煤灰的物理力学特性决定了灰坝的安全与储灰 的渗流 分布密切相关。

  • The Extrapolation to the Near Zone Field from FDTD Simulation Results


  • Construction and simulation of a soil nitrogen removal model in the riparian zone at field scale

    库滨 土壤释氮负荷模型的构建与 田间尺度模拟分析

  • Based on the calculation model and theory of saturated-unsaturated soil seepage this passage takes the influence of unsaturated zone in seepage field on dam seepage into account and it also does the seepage finite element calculation and analysis for a certain earth dam .

    基于饱和-非饱和土渗流计算模型与原理,本文考虑渗流 非饱和 对堤坝渗流的影响,对某土石坝进行了渗流有限元计算与分析。

  • New Approaches to Near - Zone to Far - Zone Field Transformation in Time - Domain Scattering Problems

    时域散射问题中近场 转换的新途径

  • This paper has done a lot of systemic research about the model building and simulation on the basic of theory and experiment which kernel is fluid wedge field of grinding zone 、 pressure field 、 velocity field 、 removal theory and character surface .

    本文以外圆磨削楔形接触 流体场为核心,围绕磨料流体压力 、速度场的建模与仿真和材料去除机理以及工件表面特性等进行了系统的基础性理论和实验研究。

  • Some new formulas for calculating the far zone field of antenna of any length excited by horizontal electric and magnetic sources on the infinite metallic elliptic and hyperbolic cylinders are presented .

    本文给出了在金属椭圆柱面和双曲柱面上水平电振子和纵向开槽时远 的一组新公式;

  • Control of High Permeability Zone by Ground Stress Field in Daning-Jixian Area

    大宁-吉县地区地应力 对高渗 的控制

  • They exist by gradient zone of gravitational field ;

    它们均位于重力 梯度 附近

  • Characteristic of field coordination principle for ( turbulent ) convection heat transfer was analyzed which indictes that main affected zone of the field coordination principle for heat transfer is the near-wall region except viscous sub-layers .

    对湍流换热时场协同作用特点进行了分析,指出湍流时速度 与热流 的协同作用 对换热的影响主要表现在粘性底层以外的壁面附近。