If there are recruiters out there telling job seekers to underplay their ambitions and qualifications then certainly I could do better .
如果有招聘人员告诉找工作的人对自己的雄心壮志和资历 轻描淡写 的 话,那我肯定能 比他们做得更好。
These two research paradigms overemphasize the position of the author and the text and underplay the role of readers in literary process .
这两种研究范式过分强调作者和文本的地位, 贬低了读者在文学过程中的作用。
This is not to underplay the importance of the Greek outcome .
这并不是在 淡化希腊结局的重要性。
A fourth lesson is that gold is shifting back from a sovereign reserve asset central banks were inclined to underplay to one of growing strategic interest .
第四个教训是,黄金正在从央行倾向于 淡化的主权储备资产,重新变回一项战略重要性日益增强的主权储备资产。
The problem of alcoholism was and still is often underplayed .
酗酒问题在 过去常常 被 忽视,现在依然如此。
We often underplay the skills we have
我们常常 贬低 自身的技能。
Opinion polls underplay Mr Le Pen 's support ; almost half of respondents say they are undecided .
民意测验 不能 充分 说明勒庞的支持 度;几乎一半的受调查者声称他们尚未决定。
I do not mean to gloss over or underplay the obstacles and needs .
我这样说并不是要掩饰或 淡化障碍和需求。