Deep slush underfoot made her shoes wet .
Ice made the path slippery underfoot .
路上结了冰,走 起来很 滑。
Shareholder rights have been trampled underfoot as bureaucrats and executives have cobbled together politically expedient banking mergers .
作为政治上的权宜之计,官员与高管草率地合并银行, 令股东权利遭到 践踏。
Some danced to keep warm and drank vodka from plastic glasses with empty bottles crunching underfoot .
一些人 跳着舞保暖,拿着塑料杯子喝伏特加酒, 脚 边到处是 破碎的空瓶子。
It was still wet underfoot .
地上仍是 湿的。
Each step I take I can feel the crisp frosty grass crunching softly underfoot .
我每走一步,都能感到结有干爽白霜的草地 在 脚下 发出 轻微 的 嘎吱声。
When a tribe encounters civilization the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe .
当一个部落遭遇文明,首先被践踏 脚下的是该部落的宗教信仰。
Farther on lay a part of the globe he would no longer tread underfoot .
过这 界限 便是他的脚步 不愿 踩踏的地球的 陆地部分了。
But for her the race of the world would have trampled him underfoot a squashed boneless snail .
倘非有她,在这谁也不让谁的世间,他 早就被 脚踩得烂成一摊无骨的蜗牛浆了。
He kept his subjects underfoot .
他把他的臣民 踩 在 脚下。
You fish-shaped island I take what is underfoot .
啊鱼形之岛,我弄了一手 泥。
The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up to the house .
当我们向房子走去时, 脚下的砾石嘎吱作响。
The snow scrunched underfoot .
雪 在 脚下发出嘎吱 嘎吱 的 声音。
Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses .
摔下来的骑手遭 飞奔马群 践踏。
The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot .
脚下厚厚的松针 踩 上去软绵绵的。
Morgan dropped his cigarette and crushed it underfoot .
摩根把香烟丢到地上,用 脚 踩灭。
Pigs and naked children were everywhere underfoot crippled beggars and cutpurses swarmed like roaches through the press .
The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot
人群争先恐后地奔逃,很多人被压伤或 踩踏 。
On soil of humid area It is damp underfoot .
在潮湿地区的土壤 上 脚下 地面 w_803是潮湿的。
Several people were trampled underfoot and seriously injured in the rush to get out of the building .
在冲出大楼的匆忙中有几个人被人踩 在 脚下,严重受伤。
I could feel the crisp frosty grass underfoot .
我可以感觉到 脚下那结了霜的凉飕飕的小草。
A soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot .
风潮 渐渐 地 平息了。一块潮湿的下沉 低地。
half-ripe apples that were being trampled underfoot by the fighting men
被大打出手的男子踩烂 在 脚下的半熟苹果
Thousands of victims perished trampled underfoot .
数以千计的受害者 遭 踩踏致死。
Steps could be seen in the new snow . He kept his subjects underfoot .
新下的雪地 上 踩 上了 脚他把他的臣民 踩 在 脚下。
We can 't find the leading edge because it 's trampled underfoot .
无法发现前沿是因为被践踏得 碍手碍脚。
They have beaten down the local tyrants and evil gentry big and small and kept them underfoot .
他们打翻了大小土豪劣绅 在 地 上,并且 踏 上一 只 脚。
It is damp underfoot . The road was wet with rain .
因为下了雨,路是 湿的。
All stainless steel water-resistant antimagnetic and shockproof The earth underfoot vibrated .
全不锈钢,防水、防磁、防震 脚下的大地震动了。
The earth underfoot vibrated . The ground trembled under his feet .