


  • As a movement it selected many ideological essences of Judaism belief propelled Zionism forward and established Israel at last .

    作为一场 促使 犹太 民族 重建 民族 家园的运动,它从犹太教信仰中汲取了众多思想精华,推动了 复国 主义的发展并最终建立了以色列国。

  • To recognize the legitimacy of zionism .

    巴勒斯坦人认可 犹太 复国的合法性。

  • The century-long conflict between Zionism and the Arabs of Palestine has been hard enough to settle on its own without additional global and regional rivalries superimposed .

    即使没有额外的全球性和区域性敌对状态附加其上, 犹太 复国 主义同巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人之间数以百年计的冲突也已令人焦头烂额、束手无策。

  • A Jewish supporter of Zionism .

    犹太 复国 运动的支持者。

  • The duality of Zionism may just value it as the national liberation movement on the one hand and as narrow national element .

    犹太 复国 主义具有两重性:它既是犹太民族的解放运动;也有狭隘的民族 主义成分。

  • Now in defence of Zionism Mr Obama must make it again .

    现在,为了捍卫 犹太 复国 主义,奥巴马必须再次这样选择。

  • Attitudes and positions of Orthodox Judaism towards Zionism have also reflected the entangled state when tradition facing modern times and religion confronting secular society .

    犹太教正统 派对 犹太 复国 主义 运动的态度与立场 实际 映出当传统而对现代、当宗教遭遇世俗时的纠结状态。

  • Narrative history of the Palestinian problem and the emergence of Zionism .

    叙述巴勒斯坦的历史问题及犹太 复国 主义的产生。

  • At the last chapter I try to evaluate Buber ′ s Zionism .

    在第四章中,笔者对于布伯的 锡安 主义进行了尝试性的评价。

  • In modern times Zionism mobilized and organized Jews to move back to and settle in Palestine . Israel was established in 1948 .

    近现代 犹太 复国 主义 运动组织和动员犹太人移居巴勒斯坦,1948年以色列国诞生。

  • The Zionist congresses presided by Herzl and the setup of Jewish Colonial Trus and the Jewish Colonial Bank financially boosted the development of Zionism and made the movement practical .

    他主持召开的历届犹太人复国主义者代表大会,犹太殖民托拉斯和犹太殖民银行的建立,都为 犹太 复国 主义的发展奠定了重要的物质基础,使得这个运动更具有现实性。

  • His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals .

    他以恶毒的 语言反对 犹太 复国 主义,这使激进分子放心。

  • To me Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East .

    例子,我们来解释 犹太 复国 运动这个 名词,这个 名词本身已经变成贬义词了,可对我来说, 犹太 复国运动就是指犹太人有权回到中东的祖国去,很简单。

  • The first chapter lays stress on the background of Martin Buber ′ s Zionism .

    第一章着重分析布伯 锡安 主义 产生的背景。

  • Jewish experiences in 20th century have included the culmination of zionism in the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 . Now for three years there was no war between aram and Israel .

    20世纪犹太人的经历包含犹太 复国 主义最终在1948年建立起以色列国。

  • During this period the attitude of the Soviet Union on Zionism and the State of Israel has undergone significant changes .

    在这一时期苏联对 犹太 复国 主义和以色列国家的态度经历了明显的变化。

  • It marks the victory of Zionism .

    它标志着 犹太 复国 主义 运动的最后胜利。

  • In the mid-nineteenth century the thought of Zionism finally formed a political theory system ; Jewish Zionism with guiding principles organizations and unified leadership was also gradually rising and developing throughout the world .

    19世纪中叶,犹太复国 主义思想终于形成了系统的政治理论,有纲领、有组织、有统一领导的现代犹太 复国主义运动也逐渐兴起并在世界范围内展开。

  • Buber ′ s spiritual Zionism earlier and his bi-nationalism later were two the most important sections of his Zionism .

    不管是前期的文化 锡安 主义,还是后来的双民族主义,都是布伯锡安主义的最重要的组成部分。

  • The religious feelings centering on the Jew and the national spirit make the Jewish nation avoid assimilating from other nations and make the Zionism movements successful finally .

    以犹太教为核心的宗教感情与民族精神,不仅使犹太民族免于被异族同化,而且成为了犹太 复国 主义运动成功的主要 内部动因。

  • Zionism was a political common movement which rose because of the discrimination and persecution that Jew suffered in Europe and its purpose was to expedite Jew to retreat Palestine .

    犹太 复国 主义 运动是由于犹太人在欧洲遭受歧视和迫害而逐渐兴起的一场旨在推动犹太人回归巴勒斯坦的政治世俗运动。

  • The second chapter focuses on the instructions of Buber ′ s Zionism .

    第二章重点说明了布伯 锡安 主义 内容

  • To both events Judaism made religious adjustment and practical response resulting in changes of Judaism in a number of aspects and eventually making Zionism the most important issue of American Jews and Judaism .

    对这两个事件的宗教调整和现实应对,都促使犹太教在各个方面发生变化, 犹太 复国 主义 运动,成为美国犹太人和犹太教的最重要的问题。

  • Zionism is an important part of the Western political thought of the modern history of theworld .

    锡安 主义是世界近现代史上西方政治思潮的重要组成部分。