
[ˌʌnkəˈmjunɪˌketɪv, -kətɪv][ˌʌnkəˈmju:nɪkətɪv]


  • Much psychiatric medicine is undramatic stuff involving the prescription of drugs to uncommunicative patients .

    许多精神病医学平淡无奇,包括给 沉默寡言的患者开些处方药。

  • My daughter is very difficult uncommunicative and moody .

    我女儿很难相处, 不愿 交流,又非常情绪化。

  • He is worried sick because his wife has become secretive and uncommunicative .

    由于他的太太变成神秘兮兮, 寡言使他烦 要命

  • The trait of being uncommunicative ; not volunteering anything more than necessary .

    愿意 别人 交流除非必要不主动去做事情。

  • I believe in fact that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat .

    我相信,实际上,相对于 狠狠地甩帽子 发泄的男人,大多数女人更喜欢忧郁的 缄默的男子。

  • Gradually I became uncommunicative and reserved .

    渐渐地我变得 孤僻不苟言笑

  • Secret keepers may become uncommunicative withdraw from others exhibit strange moods even isolate themselves completely .

    保守秘密者变得 寡言少语、退缩,表现出古怪情绪,甚至完全将自己孤立起来。