What 's the unconditioned stimulus ?
什么是 无 条件刺激?
Unconditioned Logistic Analysis of Hypertension and the Relationship with Dietary Intake among Rural Population in Huguan County
壶关县农村居民高血压患病及膳食摄入与其关系的 非 条件 Logistic分析
The restraint of writers personality is unconditioned and the publicity of the writers personality is conditioned in the period of writing official documents .
公务文书写作中,撰稿人个性的抑制是 无 条件的,张扬是有条件的。
When Pavlov put food powder in the dog 's mouth and saliva was generated that 's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response .
巴甫洛夫给狗喂食,狗会分泌唾液,这就是无 条件刺激引起了无条件反应。
And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response .
它还表明,条件反应,可能会与 非 条件 反射 有所不同。
Conditioned reflex different from the inherent unconditioned reflex is an advanced nervous activity gradually developing in human 's life .
条件反射,不同于与生俱来的 非 条件反射,是人们在生活中建立起来的高级神经活动。
So the idea here is repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response .
这里的意思是说, 无 条件刺激与条件刺激的反复匹配,会引起条件反应。
It predicts that the best timing is when the conditioned stimulus which is the signal comes before the unconditioned stimulus which is what you have to prepare for .
它预测,最佳的时机, 莫 过于作为信号的条件刺激,出现在需要你做准备的, 非 条件刺激之前。
Bernstein and her colleagues also proposed a model that associative learning takes place when a conditioned stimulus is followed by an unconditioned stimulus triggering convergent neurons .
伯恩斯坦博士和她的同事还提出一种模型,即当 给予 非条件刺激物后给予 条件刺激,联想性学习就会发生,即触发了会聚神经元。
The imaging technique showed that some neurons were activated by the saccharine or the conditioned stimulus and others were activated by the lithium chloride or the unconditioned stimulus .
这种显像技术显示一些神经元能够被给予糖水或是条件刺激激活,而另一些神经元能够被注射氯化锂或 非 条件刺激物激活。
The object of the former as he applied the term was the infinite and unconditioned of the latter the finite and conditioned .
他 明确 指出,知性以有限的和有条件的 事物为对象,而 理性则以无限的和 无 条件 的 事物为对象。
The first of the unconditioned entities which Kant examines is the Soul ( see above 34 ) .
康德所考察的第一个 无 条件的对象,就是灵魂(参见34节)。
The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus .
条件反应是对 无 条件刺激的一种准备。
It is worth while to see what decision Kant arrives at on the subject of metaphysic as this application of the categories to the unconditioned is called .
我们有特殊兴趣去看康德讨论范畴如何应用于 无 条件的对象, 亦即如何批判形而上学。
One example is this hatch that was made to create a seal between the conditioned air upstairs and the unconditioned basement .
一个例子是,这是向建立一个与冷气楼上和 无 条件的地下室密封舱口。
With an unconditioned residential unit in Beijing as the test object simulates the indoor temperature and compares the simulated and measured temperatures .
以北京市 未 安装空调的 某 户住宅为研究对象,模拟计算了测试房间的室温,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较。
What 's the unconditioned response ?
无 条件反应是什么?
A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together .
强化尝试是指条件刺激,与 无 条件刺激同时出现的时候。
Well when Pavlov for instance started before conditioning there was simply an unconditioned stimulus the food in the mouth and an unconditioned response saliva .
比如,在条件作用 形成之前,只是简单的存在着 无 条件刺激,即食物,以及无条件反应, 即唾液。
What 's the unconditioned response ? Nausea .
那什么是 无 条件反应,恶心。
Well you show the thing that would cause you to have the fear without the unconditioned stimulus .
找出在 非 条件刺激不存在的情况下,能够使你感到恐惧的东西。
It is Reason the faculty of the Unconditioned which discovers the conditioned nature of the knowledge comprised in experience .
理性具有 先天的能力,能够发现凝结在经验中之知识的有条件的本质。
This is the absolute unconditioned Truth which is Life itimmolation .
这是尽对的、 无 条件的真理,那就是生命本身。
A type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a reflex response or respondent behaviour-Also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning .
与中性刺激多次结合 有效刺激而使有机体 形成的条件反应。即是一种新的刺激引起已存在的反射反应。一种自动化的、 非习得性的反应。
吗啡行为及 条件性行为敏感化效应及其个体差异氟化物涂膜与激光联合应用治疗牙本质过敏症的临床疗效观察
The Buddha explains nirvana as the unconditioned ( asankhata ) mind a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the production of volitional formations .
佛陀把涅盘解释为“ 先天的”精神( 极乐世界),一个心灵已经达到了完美的洞察力和清晰而意识的构成已停止运作。
Now the pain of a bite being bit and then the pain and fear of that is an unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response .
咬伤所带来的疼痛感,和有此所带来的痛苦与恐惧,就是无 条件刺激和无条件反应。
Fear conditioning reflex is a form of defense responses that subjects come to express to conditioned stimulus ( CS ) that are paired with unconditioned stimulus ( US ) .
恐惧条件反射是 条件性刺激和 非条件性刺激联系在一起时,机体对条件性刺激产生的一种防御性反应。
When the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are brought together over and over and over again pretty soon the conditioned stimulus gives rise to the response .
当条件刺激与 非 条件刺激,同时且多次反复出现,条件刺激很快也能引起条件反应。