RH-5849 is one of the best new form and unharmful pesticide which can be used in control of the grubs instead of those high-residual and high toxic pesticides .
桂竹一新变型&对花竹黄槽竹一新变型是目前防治地下害虫取代高残留、剧毒农药的一种无 公害的新型杀虫剂。
Study on the unharmful disposal of waste clay
废白土 无害 化处理 炼油 厂 废 白土 渣 的 综合 利用研究
The comprehensive utilization and unharmful treatment of cyanide - containing waste
含 氰废水的综合利用及其处理
The maceration test to detoxicated Chromium slag was made under simulated conditions of nearly nature environment and the results show that detoxicated Chromium slag is unharmful to the environment .
在模拟环境条件下对解毒铬渣进行了浸出毒性试验,结果表明,解毒铬渣在环境条件下是 安全的。
Starch is an unharmful and green material .
淀粉化学品是一种有 利于 环保的绿色物质。
Preliminary results have been achieved to eliminate these striations by doping with some unharmful element such as borons ( B2O3 ) into the vacancies of BNN crystals .
实验表明,可以采用掺入少量 无害元素,如硼(B2O3)填占BNN晶体的空位结构以克服生长条纹,取得了初步成效。
Finally the relevant key techniques are also briefly analyzed including distributed optical fiber sensing multiplexing of optical fiber sensors unharmful integrating of optical fiber sensors and RS-485 bus communication .
最后,简要分析了相关的关键技术,如分布式光纤传感技术、光纤传感器的多路复用技术、光纤传感器的 无损集成技术、RS-485总线通讯技术等。
The blocking glue of cancerous serosa ( F TH glue ) is unharmful to human body .
癌肿浆膜面封闭胶(简称F-TH胶)是一 种对人体 无害 的 覆盖胶。
This product could greatly promote the development of unharmful tea and make benefits of zoology economy and society true .
它的 成功研发可极大地促进 无 公害茶叶的发展, 综合实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。
This in vivo model validation method combined several commonly used measurement methods effectively and was unharmful to human body .
此 足踝模型的活体验证方案将 当前几种常用的 足踝研究测量方法有效的结合在 一起,对人体 没有 任何 伤害性。
PS is unharmful to reservoir and will not affect crude oil dewatering on the surface . Its emulsify efficiency is more than 140 times higher than other surfactants .
PS对地层 无 伤害,不影响原油在地面脱水,其乳化效率高出其它表面活性剂140余倍。
Comparing the results cation exchange resin was proved to be a good separating method for the green substance . Starch is an unharmful and green material .
用阳离子交换树脂可以将该绿色物质成功分离出来。淀粉 化学品是一种有利于 环保的绿色物质。