unit information

[ˈjunɪt ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈju:nit ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]


  • Research on Extraction and Recognition of the Unit Information in Title Panel of Engineering Drawings

    工程图纸中标题栏 单元 信息提取与识别技术研究

  • Building management is mainly based on the refinement of management building building unit and assigned to units to provide office unit and settled in the unit information query input updating and maintenance operation .

    楼宇管理主要以楼宇为基础,细化管理楼宇内的单元和入驻单位,提供写字楼、单元及入驻 单位 信息的录入、查询、维护与更新等操作。

  • Suggestions for the planning of the environmental surveillance unit information system Reconnoitre & Design Unit Information Construction Thought

    论环境监测 综合 信息系统的建设规划勘察设计行业信息系统开发理念浅谈

  • The procedure is to build a 3-D information database for controlling factors based on geological bodies and ore bodies Classify the forming-ore abnormal units comprehensively study on variables of forming-ore unit information then carry out a best choice for target of deposits or ore bodies .

    其程序是以地质体和矿产资源体为单元,建立矿山三维空间的控矿因素信息库,划分成矿异常单元,进行成矿 单元 信息变量的综合研究,实现最佳矿床(体)靶区的优选。

  • To enter a unit of information on a record .

    输入一 单位 信息到一个记录上。

  • Research and Implementation of the Real 's Wind Power Unit Monitoring Information System

    基于紫金桥软件的风电 机组监控 信息系统的研究与实现

  • The discrete unit information is the premise of finite element analysis . Especially when lots of finite elements are formed the artificial acquirement of them needs a great of time and manpower and in this course mistakes will be made easily .

    实施有限元方法的前提是具有离散 单元 信息,尤其对于分析中需要大量单元的情况,单元数据的人工采集费时费力,容易出错。

  • The system provided function of tourism map operation tourism unit information inquiry multimedia information displays data dynamic management and aided decision etc.

    该系统具有旅游地图操作、景点、 景区 信息查询、多媒体信息显示、数据的动态管理、辅助决策功能,可操作性强,易于维护和扩展。

  • A character can be defined as a unit of information that corresponds to an atomic unit in a written language .

    可以将字符定义为一个 信息 单元,对应于书面语言的一个原子单元。

  • This way the next time the input is activated the provider can access the unit 's information without starting from scratch .

    这样,下一次激活输入时,提供者不用从头开始来访问该 单元 信息

  • And description information was composed of leading unit information range of time experimental parameter information tried object information experiment design information observation index information and statistical analysis information .

    其中描述信息由负责 单位 信息、时间范围、实验参数信息、受试对象信息、实验设计信息、观察指标信息、统计分析信息七个元数据实体组成。

  • Minimizing the energy consumption per unit information transmission becomes one of the most important design considerations for such networks .

    尽量减少每 单位 信息传输的能源消耗是设计此类网络时最重要的考虑因素之一。

  • Gigabit a unit of information equals to one billion bits .

    千兆位: 信息 单位,等于10亿位。

  • For comprehensive evaluating of running state of generator unit in the field of operation optimizing condition monitoring and fault diagnosis the opinion of using Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) method to establish the comprehensive evaluation index which integrates the relevant generator unit information was presented .

    为了解决电厂机组运行优化、状态监测与故障诊断中涉及到的机组运行状态的综合评价问题,提出用主成分分析(PCA)方法,综合 机组 有关 指标,建立电厂机组的综合评价指标的思想。

  • Bit is the smallest unit of information used by a computer .

    比特是计算机的最小 信息 单位

  • A sequence of 8 bits ( enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data ) processed as a single unit of information .

    一个可处理为独立 信息 单元的八位序列(足以代表一个字母数字数据的字符)。

  • Objective To improve the standardized management of unit information and optimize nurse staffing .

    目的加强 病区 信息规范化管理,优化护理人力资源。

  • Drafts origin structure is made up by unit information education information title information and writing information so it has close relation to academic quality of journals .

    高等院校学报的稿源结构主要由 单位 信息、学历信息、职称信息和课题信息构成,学报稿源结构优良与否与学报学术质量的高低有很大关系。

  • A unit of information equal to one million ( 1 ) bytes .

    信息 单位,等于一百万字节。

  • An act designed to include several discrete items of information in one unit of information .

    把若干离散的信息项组合到一个 信息 单位中的动作。

  • Speeds up the countryside information infrastructural facilities builds 4 platforms 5 systems establishes the perfect countryside basic unit information service organization ; Second speeds up the information resource construction .

    加快农村信息基础设施建设,搭建4个平台、5个系统,建立健全农村 基层 信息服务组织;二是加快信息资源建设。

  • A data element type is a unit of information represented in a Lotus Notes document with a collection of values .

    数据元素类型是一个 信息 单位,用含有一组值的LotusNotes文档来表示。

  • The unit management is mainly for the enterprise provides the building settled in the unit information query input updating and maintenance operation .

    单位管理主要是针对企业的 信息 资料 情况,提供楼宇内入驻 单位 信息的录入、查询、维护与更新等操作。

  • Methods A post of unit information secretary was set up to take in charge of the management of information .

    方法医院住院 系统单元增设 病区 信息秘书岗位,负责 病区各种信息的管理。

  • Make the dispatch unit deal the instruction parallel information and the destination function unit information simultaneously .

    然后是优化设计了派发部件逻辑结构,使派发部件在处理指令并行信息的同时处理指令的目的功能 单元 信息,从而提高了指令派发的并行度。

  • Earlier I talked about an attribute node being both the attribute and its value treated as a single unit of information .

    前面,我提到属性节点包括属性及其值作为一个 信息 单位来处理。

  • The unit information comes from the relational table unit .

    单位 信息来自关系型表unit。

  • In DITA a single topic represents a unit of information with related topics associated with one another using a topic map .

    在DITA中,单个主题代表一个 信息 单元,使用主题图展示对应于其他主题的相关主题。

  • Also : A computer term which refers to the smallest possible unit of information utilized by the computer .

    也称比特,一个计算机术语,指计算机里的 信息的最小 单位