zinc white

[zɪŋk hwaɪt][ziŋk hwait]


  • Sand culture experiment neutron activation and electron microscopy techniques were used to investigate the co-effects of nitrogen and zinc on development and nutrient absorption of white clover nodules .

    采用砂培试验、中子活化和电子显微技术,研究了不同水平氮 配施对白 三叶草根瘤生长发育、营养元素吸收的影响。

  • Nevertheless when high amount of nitrogen supply the growth nitrogen and zinc absorption of white clover displayed antagonism effect . 2 .

    当高量氮时,氮 则表现为拮抗效应。

  • Molecular configurations of glutathione complex in which we have added glutathione and zinc and white isinglass were emphatically studied on apply .

    在应用中主要研究了谷胱甘肽、谷胱甘肽与 Zn~(2+)形成的螯合物、 白云母的分子结构。

  • The introduction of 12 % zirconium silicate powder and 4 % zinc oxide to the glaze can make up the side effect of gangue 's introduction of Fe and Ti the white rate of the surface get to 80 % .

    在釉料中加入12%的锆英粉、4%的烧氧化 ,弥补了尾矿引入铁、钛的负面影响,釉面 度达到80%;

  • Al-doping zinc oxide whiskers can be used as a white conductive additive of antistatic polymer composites .

    cm。铝掺杂氧化 晶须可替代氧化锌晶须作为抗静电高分子复合材料的 白色导电添加剂。

  • Compound Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc on Nodule Development and Ultrastructure of White Clover

    复合作用 对白三叶草根瘤超显微结构的影响

  • The production practice of improving the rate of first-grade product of zinc oxide by zinc white furnace

    提高 炉等级氧化 一级品率的生产实践

  • Zinc is another important mineral that these food sources provide & it serves many functions one of which includes activating a white blood cell that helps fight off infections .

    在人体内参与多项重要生理功能,如激活 细胞帮助抵抗感染等。

  • This paper deal with the growth habits and mechanism of tetra_pod like zinc oxide ( T-ZnO ) whiskers which were prepared by vapor phase oxidation of zinc metal in the air and by introducing white carbon black as a modeling catalyst .

    以锌粉为原料, 碳黑为催化剂,研究了四脚状氧化锌( T-ZnO)晶须在高温气相氧化反应条件下的结晶习性和生长机理。

  • Comparison of the Content of Copper Manganese Iron Zinc and Magnesium in the Black and White Hair of Seniles

    老人自发与 黑发中铜、锰、铁、 、镁含量的比较

  • The appropriate dietary zinc supplementation for white Chengdu chicks and the effect of zinc deficiency on sulfur amino acid utilization

    成都 鸡育雏日粮 的适宜添加量及缺锌对含硫氨基酸利用的影响

  • Clay treated with zinc stearate + LEE slippery white powder 50 ~ 60 ;

    硬脂酸 处理过的陶土+LEE 滑粉50~60;

  • Peeling thick edges nozzle strip scratchs of steel matrix and zinc layer chromate spots and white rust are main defects in continuous hot dip galvanizing strip .

    锌层脱落、厚边、气刀条痕、钢基划伤、 层划伤、钝化斑点、 锈是带钢连续热镀锌几种常见的缺陷。

  • Influences of the compound effects between nitrogen and zinc on growth N-fixation and transfer of fixed nitrogen of white clover in mixed culture ;

    选用南方草地土壤&山地黄棕壤进行盆栽试验,研究了氮 复合作用对混播系统 白三叶生长、根瘤发育、固氮及固氮产物转移的影响。

  • Effect of application of nitrogen zinc and selenium on fixation of nitrogen and transfer of nitrogen fixed in white clover

    硒肥配合施用 对白三叶的固氮作用与氮转移的影响

  • By diffusion of heavy metal ion into zinc oxide crystal ACR-1 white antistatic thermal control coating is developed with acrylic resin .

    通过在氧化 晶格中掺入重金属离子,得到具有防静电功能的 白色颜料,再以丙烯酸树脂为粘合剂制备出空间飞行器外表面用的ACR-1防静电 白色热控涂层;

  • The popular form of seafood is bursting with zinc which strengthens your antibodies and helps your body produce more infection-fighting white blood cells .

    这个受欢迎的海鲜富含 可以强化你的抗体,以及帮助你的身体制造更多抗感染的 血球。

  • Though the treatment efficiency is lower than the expected one it is significant to the study on the treatment for zinc alloy white smoke .

    尽管 氯化 烟尘的处理效率低于预期,但实验研究对 合金 烟的治理仍有重要的指导意义。

  • Resistance of Wood Treated with Chitosan Copper / Zinc Complex to White Rot Fungi

    壳聚糖铜/ 配合物复配的防 腐效果分析

  • Zinc samples treated by phytic acid sodium silicate and DB-560 silane were being soaked by 3.5 % NaCl to experiment for 7 days and not be seen white spot appearing .

    经植酸、硅酸钠和硅烷DB-560处理后的 试样在3.5%NaCl溶液浸泡试验7天未见 白斑出现。

  • Oxide of zinc ; a white powder used as a pigment or in cosmetics or glass or inks and in zinc ointment .

    的氧化物,一种 白色粉末,用作颜料,或用于化妆品、玻璃、墨水和氧化锌软膏中。

  • Effect of dietary calcium and zinc levels on gains body condition and mineral contents in tissues of Beijing white chicken

    日粮钙、 京白鸡增重、体况及组织矿物元素含量的影响