In his candidacy announcement he derided what he calls unprincipled politics by the Roh administration as the cause of North Korea 's nuclear weapons capabilities .
在他的竞选宣言中,他嘲笑由卢武铉政府执行的被他称为“ 无 原则性”政策,正是该政策导致北朝鲜拥有核武器能力。
A ruthless and unprincipled man .
残忍的 无耻之徒。
At each of the leadership of manchuria to grasp the pie for unprincipled and severely weakened the revolutionary forces .
朝共满洲 总局各派为了掌握领导权进行 无 原则的派争,严重地削弱朝鲜 族革命力量。
His unprincipled and opportunistic changes of position .
他 那种 不 讲 原则的、机会主义的立场改变。
He is totally unprincipled in money matters ; you can 't trust him .
他在金钱方面根本 不 讲 道德,你不能相信他。
Those who change their policies to suit the public mood look unprincipled .
那些改变自己的政策以迎合公众情绪的 政客看上去 缺乏 原则 性。
When we speak of unity we do not mean unprincipled peace .
所谓团结,并非 一团和气。
Poor without responsibility unprincipled person .
穷无责任感, 无 原则做人;
But it needs people to light the touchpaper and incompetent or unprincipled managers can blight a mutual or a partnership as surely as they can lead a quoted company to the brink .
但是,导火索是人点燃的,无能或 无 原则的管理者可能会扼杀一家互助或合伙制企业,就像他们可能把一家上市公司带向破产边缘一样。
The court contributed to the mediation between the parties is not unprincipled the voluntary principle the principle of legality the principle of limited mediation must adhere to the basic principles of administrative litigation mediation system .
法院促成当事人之间进行调解并不是 无 原则的,自愿原则、合法原则、有限调解原则是行政诉讼调解制度必须坚持的基本原则。
As for subjective criticism loose and groundless talk or suspiciousness such practices inside the party often breed unprincipled disputes and undermine the party organization .
至于党内的主观主义的批评,不要证据的乱说,或互相猜忌,往往酿成党内的 无 原则纠纷,破坏党的组织。
He looked me right in the eye and shouted back George Bush is an unprincipled lying piece of trash too !
他看着我的双眼大声地回应,“乔治。布什也是个 无 原则,撒谎的混账!”
The criticism is not unfair – even among politicians Nixon was unusually unprincipled and Mr Paulson unusually incompetent .
此番批评并未失之公平&即使是在政治家当中,尼克松的 缺乏 原则和保尔森的不称职也是罕见的。
Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him . He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes .
无 原则 的 迁就对他有害。他从不介入无原则的争端。
Has intrinsic moral tolerantly but tolerant is not unprincipled without limits making concessions it also has certain boundary this boundary already contains has belongs to the moral agent boundary also contains has belongs to the external legal rules boundary .
宽容具有内在的道德性,但是宽容并不是 无 原则、无止境的退让,它也具有一定的界限,这个界限既包含有属于道德底线的界限,也包含有属于外在法律规则的界限。
She quivered with indignation at the account of the conduct of the miserable Rawdon and the unprincipled steyne .
她听到可恶的罗登和无耻的斯 丹恩干这种坏事,气得周身发抖。
The supreme good in which all moral values are included or from which they are derived . not exactly unprincipled but nonprincipled
包括全部美德的至善。并非完全 不 道德的,而是与道德无关的
We adore The Front Page and Scoop which present us as lazy unprincipled and hopelessly in thrall to bogus information .
我喜欢封面和独家新闻, 但是这些新闻又 证明了我们只是 一群 无 纪律、慵懒和没希望的只专注于一些假信息的人。
It is a market where people can be very unprincipled and unpleasant .
在这个市场里,一些人可能根本 不 讲 道德 原则,非常令人厌恶。
Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him .
无 原则 的 迁就对他有害。
Compromise and competition doesn 't mean unprincipled compromise but contains an affirmation of competition for it admits a coexistence and cofunction of varieties of ideas and theories .
“和 诤”不是 无 原则的调和,其中体现着对“争”的肯定,它承认各种思想理论的并存并行。
We must build a centralized unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles .
我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切 无 原则的派别斗争,都要清除干净。
Comprehensive too can mean unprincipled inclusiveness the inclusiveness of the syllabus or the anthology .
理解 力也可能意味着 无 原则的包容,教学大纲和文集 式的包容。
Some bold unprincipled ignorant adventurer was found .
一个 粗暴 卤莽, 无所不为,愚昧无知的冒险家被选中了。
He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes .
他从不介入 无 原则的争端。
Ford he said was one of the most unpleasant men he had ever met-an unprincipled and egotistical philanderer .
他说,福特是他遇见过的最令人讨厌的男人之一-是个 无耻和自私的调情者。
In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime .
在 以后的几年里,他那 放荡不羁的老婆把他的生活 搅了一个一 踏 糊涂。
While the criminal reconciliation respect the individual right to dispose by oneself It is not unprincipled and arbitrary action .
刑事和解尽管尊重了被害人个人的处分权,但并不是 无 原则和恣意的。
He is unprincipled swindling the widow and her fatherless son .
他这个人很 卑鄙,期负人家孤儿寡母。