


  • It was unseemly to yield to such pressure .

    要是屈服于这种压力,那是 体面的。

  • Beethoven 's unseemly sometimes even rude appearance and manner impaired his contemporaries'and acceptance of his music and himself .

    贝多芬的 体面的、有时甚至是粗暴的外表和行为极大地削弱了他的同代人对他本人以及他的作品赞同。

  • As an eight-year-old I found such behavior unseemly .

    作为一个八岁大的孩子,我感到这种行为 光彩

  • Yet on second thoughts I see that this man is suffering from the new cheerfulness syndrome that is affecting people who are still in work and far from being unseemly it 's a jolly good thing .

    但转念一想,我意识到这个人得了一种新的快乐综合症,这种病症正在感染现在仍有工作的人,而这非但没有 不合时宜,还是件极好的事情。

  • This has threatened domestic manufacturers and caused an unseemly protectionist trade spat with Mexico so setting back regional integration .

    这危及国内制造商并引发了与墨西哥 体面的贸易保护主义争端,从而阻碍了地区一体化。

  • And yet whenever I have a new book about to come out I have to shake the unpleasant sensation that there is something unseemly about my own clamor for attention .

    然而每当我有新书要出版时,就得抖去心中的别扭与不 ,因为 觉得 这么 喧嚷着寻求关注 得体

  • It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts .

    在其他人正不得不 勒紧裤腰带的时候,给法官提高薪水是 合适的。

  • The bulk of such unseemly pay-offs usually comes from deferred payments from previous years .

    如此有欠妥当的薪酬安排,在很大程度上通常源于 前些年的延期薪酬。

  • The young clergyman after a few hours of privacy was sensible that the disorder of his nerves had hurried him into an unseemly outbreak of temper which there had been nothing in the physician 's words to excuse or palliate .

    年轻的牧师经过数小时独处之后,意识到自己神经的失调促使他出现了 自觉的大发脾气,其实,从医生的 言谈话语之中丝毫找 出为自己辩解或掩饰的借口。

  • Hung-chien asked Hsin-mei if he had noticed Li 's unseemly behavior toward Miss Sun .

    鸿渐问辛楣注意到李梅亭对孙小姐的 丑态 没有

  • His social position allows him of no unseemly behaviour in public .

    他的社会地位不容许他在公共 场合有行为 不妥 之处

  • Gerald maatman Jr. partner at the business law practice seyfarth Shaw says that an ex-employee may charge his former employer with defamation or retaliation for exposing unseemly habits about him .

    杰拉德•马特曼是商业法律师行 SeyfarthShaw的合伙人,他指出前雇员可以因为见不得人的隐私被曝光,控告公司诽谤或报复。

  • First we discussed our unseemly mid-life urges : his to do triathlons mine to buy bright green shoes with six-inch heels .

    首先我们讨论了自己 不合时宜的中年欲望:他想做三项全能运动,我想买一双六英寸鞋跟的亮绿色鞋子。

  • I find either method of putting the private parts of strangers on public display unseemly .

    无论哪种,我觉得 这样 大庭广众 之下展览陌生人 私处 实在 异常 尴尬

  • You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there .

    你可以发现多种肮脏, 得体的事物都在 港口发生。

  • Instead it often seems lost in unseemly rearguard actions to preserve a fading status .

    相反,欧洲似乎常常沉迷于用 得体的后卫行动,来维护其日益下滑的地位。

  • The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken husky gasping .


  • Six of the 18 judges will also be replaced in a ballot preceded by an unseemly round of bargaining and canvassing .

    在一轮 容易 遭到 非议的交易与游说之后,也将通过投票替换18名法官中的6名。

  • Jean : A great painter draws his daughter with nothing on her . Isn 't it unseemly ?

    一个伟大的画家画自己女儿的 裸体?有点 不合时宜吧。

  • Why I should suffer this situation that a decent guy did so unseemly .

    为什么我要遭受这样的境遇, 看着一个帅哥做那么 恶心

  • Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct .

    大家都被他 得体的举动震惊了。

  • Yet despite this unseemly outpouring the biggest problem of all - mental health - remains tight shut .

    不过,尽管有上述 种种 得体的言谈,但对于最重要的问题心理健康人们仍守口如瓶。

  • We will never countenance such unseemly behavior .

    我们决不会支持这种 正当行为。

  • Even in affairs of the heart it is considered unseemly to show one 's feelings except behind closed doors and even then with moderation .

    即使在爱情方面,也只能关起门来表露感情,否则就有 大雅了。即使关着门,也还要有分寸。

  • Many shun lavish restaurants because to eat in such places would be unseemly while other people are suffering in evacuation centres .

    许多人避免去豪华餐厅,因为当别人在疏散中心受苦时,在这样的地方 享用 美食 不合时宜

  • Such conduct is most unseemly .

    这么做太 了。

  • It feels unseemly to complain about not getting a raise when your neighbor is unemployed .

    如果你的邻居已经失去工作,你就会觉得 为自己没加上工资而抱怨。