Considering the characteristics of palmprint images a steerable filters based fuzzy unsharp masking algorithm is presented to enhance the contrast of a palmprint image .
根据掌纹图像的特点,提出一种基于方向可调滤波器的模糊 反 锐化 掩 模掌纹 图像增强算法。
The arithmetic adapts the unsharp masking to enhance select frequency response in order to enhance CR image edge details ;
该算法使用 钝化 模糊 影像来增加对选择空间频率的响应,以增强CR 图像的结构边缘和细节。
This method about neural network simulating image unsharp masking process arithmetic can also be used to realize other image process arithmetic .
这种神经网络模拟图像 反 锐化掩模处理算法的方法也可以用于实现其他 图像处理算法。
A medical image enhancement method based on Multi-Scale Noise-Resistance Unsharp Masking ( MSNR-UM ) is proposed in view of the defects of linear Unsharp Masking ( UM ) method for medical image enhancement .
针对线性 反 锐化掩模法对医学 图像增强的不足,提出了一种基于多尺度抗噪反锐化掩模的医学影像增强算法(MSNR-UM)。