The built-in intelligence can be realized by the hardware and software of a control system which includes multidimensional synchronization pattern classification strategy unit control rule system learning algorithm for the compensation to the dissonance and time-variation of parameters of photoelectric sensors precondition learning program .
内环智能体系由系统硬件实现,包括多维异步模式分类策略、 单元控制 规则系统、对元件性能参数的离散性和时变性的补偿策略及算法、机器现场的训练学习程序。
The diagnosis basic unit of lowest layer found out with fault diagnosis expert system based on diagnosis basic unit and rule according to initial fault phenomenon . The final fault orientation was realized by mixed reasoning of positive and reversed direction of multiplayer .
基于诊断基 元和产生 式 规则的专家系统,根据初始故障现象找出最底层故障基 元,通过多层正反向混合推理实现故障最终定位。
The second issue is to analyze the decision-making psychology of a unit crime by the rule of anticipatory penalty ;
第二个问题是用预期刑罚理论来分析 单位犯罪的决策心理,并引出过失也可列入 单位累犯的主观要件,新法人代表亦应承担 单位 累犯责任两个观点。
The integrated simulation model of soft cut-in system of asynchronous wind turbine generator has been built in this paper . The main circuit of soft cut-in unit the SCR impulse rule and the performance designing of soft cut-in controller has been studied .
本文建立了完整的异步风力发电机组软并网系统仿真模型,并对软并网 装置的主电路、晶闸管触发 规律和软并网控制系统的性能要求进行了分析研究。
The hillslope is the most preliminary unit in study on soil erosion . To study soil erosion quantitatively on the hillslope can offer the scientific evidence for studying soil erosion rule confirming the focal point control location on the hillslope and forming soil erosion prediction model .
坡面是土壤侵蚀最基本的地貌 单元,定量研究坡面侵蚀能为研究土壤侵蚀 规律、确定坡面重点侵蚀部位、建立土壤侵蚀预报模型提供科学依据。
Research of Boiler-Turbine Unit Fuzzy Rule Based Multiple Model Coordinated Control System
单元 机组 模糊多模型协调控制系统研究
To study the semantic unit combination rule by using sense element analysis is a scientific method to explain the principle of words combination .
运用义素分析方法研究语义 单位组合的 规则是解释词语组合原理的科学方法。
The first issue is whether the strict liability can be applied to a no-crime-intention unit crime case according to the rule of balance and how to pierce the corporate veil after the modification of juridical party and run the liability of shareholder directors .
第一个问题是用均衡 理论解析无犯意 单位犯罪可否用严格责任来定罪,并提出法人变更后应撕开法人面纱追究股东董事的责任。
The system is composed of language analysis unit rule management agreement maintenance unit and recursion query reasoning machine etc.
系统主要由语言 分析器、 规则管理及一致性维护器、递归查询推理机等部分组成。
A mathematical model describing one kind of solar desalination unit is established . A relation rule to modify the fuzzy deduction model based on statistics of fuzzy subset is proposed in this paper .
给出了一种新型海水淡化热力学 系统的数学模型,针对这一类具有不确定因素的复杂 系统,提出基于模糊集值统计下修改模糊推理模型的关系 生成 规则方法。
Finally when inputting unit step signal the response of different K and the optimization control rule is gained .
最后,当给系统输入 单位阶跃信号时,得到不同位置调节器参数K下的阶跃响应和位置随动控制系统的最优控制 律。
Based on the first law of thermodynamics we have researched development direction of glass fiber reinforced concrete . It shows that the dissipation energy per unit volume will increase with recycle ratio increasing . present three development stages change rule with fiber contents increases .
基于热力学第一定律,研究玻璃纤维混凝土的循环滞回环的发展变化,可知 单位体积耗散能随着循环比的增加而增加,呈现三阶段发展变化 规律,随着纤维掺量的增加而增大。
As one of ferroelectric memories ferroelectric field-effect transistor ( FeFET ) has attracted considerable interests due to its simple unit structure higher storage density and obeying the scaling rule of ultralarge-scale-integration circuits .
铁电场效应晶体管作为铁电存储器的一种,除了上述优点之外,还具有 单元结构简单、存储密度更高和符合超大规模集成电路的按比例缩小 定律等更多优点,引起了研究者的广泛关注。
Calling legal person ( unit ) crime corpus British and American methods department nation very much it is a legal person the our country calls it as the unit the mainland method department nation then rule more detailed .
对于法人(单位)犯罪主体,英美法系国家一般称之为法人,我国称之为 单位,大陆法系国家则 规定得比较详细。
In the expert system comprehensive knowledge expression method of Knowledge Object-Object Block-Frame Unit and rule knowledge expression method of Rule Frame + Rule Body were used to express and memorize the knowledge and experience of the human specialist of domain .
在知识表达方面采用可视化的、面向对象的知识体-对象块-构件的综合知识表示方式和 规则架+规则 体 的 规则知识表示方法;
Combining a practical project an algorithm of bi-fuzzy controller with self-tuning factor and proportional-integral-tuning unit which optimizes the control rule by adjusting factors is introduced to approximate optimal control .
同时引入带有比例积分校正环节的双模糊控制器来实现馈源 舱轨迹跟踪,并通过调整因子来优化控制 规则。
A new point is provided based on using no-surplus restraint rotation fashion and cutting unit of MG 150 B coal winning machine and combining the rule using state and analysis .
通过对 MG150B薄煤层采煤机牵引部齿轮传动设计中采用的无多余约束的传动型式的分析,并结合 原理及使用情况,提出了新的观点。
Unit Circle Algorithm of Perceptrons Study Rule with Oddity Sample
包含奇异类样本的感知机学习 规则 的 单位圆算法
The dynamic system is simulated with expected signal input via the bi-fuzzy controller . Combining a practical project an algorithm of bi-fuzzy controller with self-tuning factor and proportional-integral-tuning unit which optimizes the control rule by adjusting factors was introduced to approximate optimal control .
采用双模糊控制器对所建立的动力学模型进行了系统控制仿真实验.同时引入带有比例积分校正环节的双模糊 控制器来实现馈源舱轨迹跟踪,通过调整因子来优化控制 规则。
Word as the basic language unit covers both static categorical knowledge of a language and its dynamic rule knowledge .
词是语言的基本层次 单位,既涵盖着语言的静态范畴知识,也体现着语言的动态 规则知识,所以词汇知识库的建造处于重中之重的位置。
In this paper the structure working principle main technical parameters and experimentation result of the tread block-brake unit for metro vehicle are presented . The working principle of the slack adjuster power storage spring brake device and experimentation rule are described as emphasis .
介绍了地铁车辆踏面 单元制动器的结构、原理、主要技术参数及试验结果,重点阐述其间隙调整器、蓄能弹簧制动装置的工作原理及试验 规则。
The reanalysis in the view from economics of the double-penalty system in a unit crime by the rule of effectiveness and the rationality of applying liberty-penalty to a judiciary party ;
以效用 原则对 单位犯罪两罚制进行经济学的分析,并提出法人自由刑的问题;
In that case the crime unit is a special law provides that the crime of natural law is the general rule .
那么,对于 单位犯罪的法律规定就是特殊的规定,而对自然人犯罪的法律规定就是一般 规定。
The feasibility to apply penalty to other relevant persons liable in a unit crime by the rule of risk distribution ;
以风险分配 原理讨论 单位犯罪中其他有关责任人员的期待可能性问题;
This approach provides the flexibility to develop and unit test the Rule Business Object model and the rules themselves separately from any integration .
这种方法提供了灵活性,可以脱离任何集成来开发 RuleBusinessObject模型和规则本身,并进行 单元测试。
A unit cell model is established on the pattern of the rule of the yarn movement and the relationship between the braiding parameters is deduced .
在三维六向编织物纱线运动 规律的基础上,建立了 单胞模型,推导了编织参数之间的数学关系。
In turn the message-driven rule bean calls the rulesets running in the Execution Unit ( XU ) .
反过来,消息驱动 规则bean调用运行在Execution Unit(XU)的规则集。
美[ˈjunɪt rul]英[ˈju:nit ru:l]