Wilder was asked by the United States Army to go to Germany to help re-organize the movie industry and radio media .
美国 军方要求怀尔德前往德国,帮助重组电影工业和广播媒体。
In1958 just as he finished making the movie King Creole Elvis received notice that he had to serve in the United States Army .
1958年,正当他演罢电影《克里奥尔王》的时候,他接到通知必须在 美国 军队 中 服役。
From the United States Army to the people of chakaran .
美国 军队致夏克兰的人们。
A canned field ration issued by the United States army .
美国 部队发布的罐装食物定量标准。
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black fighter pilots who fought during World War Two in the United States Army Air Corps .
黑色轰炸机是第二次世界大战期间 美国 空军中第一 支黑人战斗机飞行队。
First though plans call for a team led by retired United States Army General Jay Garner to have administrative responsibility .
但是,计划要求先由已退休 美国 将军杰伊?加纳领导的团队来执行行政职责。
Then she 's stealing from the United States army .
那样她就是在盗用 美国 军队的资金。
A former United States Army intelligence officer who fought in the Korean War Mr. Newman was detained by North Korea for more than a month and accused of war crimes .
参加朝鲜战争期间,纽曼是 美国 陆军的一名情报人员。他被朝鲜被关押了一个多月,并被控犯有战争罪。
Were you active in the United States Army in1945at the close of the war ?
1945年结束战争时你是否服役 美国 军队?
When the war came he enlisted as a United States Army Air Force bomber .
当战争来临时候,他被列入 美军空军轰炸机不对。
A broad-brimmed felt hat with a high crown ; formerly worn by the United States Army and Marine personnel .
一种宽边高顶的毡帽;以前供 美 陆军和海军戴。
The United States Army does not bargain with thieves .
美国 军队不会和盗贼们谈判的。
That you be dishonorably discharged from the United States army .
你已经从 美国 军队中除名。
The Surgeon General of the United States Army sponsored the study and released the final results last week .
Now as I look forward to the United States Army 's orthodontic residency program I hope I will encounter more of these exciting research opportunities .
现在,我期待加入 美国 军队的矫正牙医医师项目,希望我会挑战更多的令人兴奋的研究机会。
1943-The United States Army contracts with the University of Pennsylvania 's Moore School to develop the ENIAC .
1943年的今天, 美国 陆军与宾夕法尼亚大学的摩尔学校合作开发ENIAC计算机。
On this day in 1813 the United States gets its nickname Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson a meat packer from Troy New York who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812 .
1813年的这一天,美国获得了它的绰号山姆大叔。这个名字是与一个来自纽约特洛伊叫塞缪尔威尔逊的肉类包装商有关,他在1812年战争期间为 美国 军队提供桶装牛肉。
This is an emergency message from the United States army .
这是 美国 陆军所发送的紧急讯息。
General Trainor General Clarke faculty and staff at West Point you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army .
特雷纳将军、克拉克将军、西点军校的教职工们,你们一直以来都是这所令人自豪的学府的优秀管理者,也是 美国 陆军新晋军官的杰出导师。
United States Army installation on the West Bank of Hudson River north of New York city ; site of United States military academy .
在 美国纽约北部河流的西海岸的 美国 的 军事装置;美国陆军军官学校的遗址。
A soldier who is a member of the United States Army Special Forces .
美国特种部队中的 士兵。
A captain in the United States army or navy has a commission signed by the President .
美国 陆军上尉或海军上校有由总统签名的委任状。
A division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerrilla fighting .
专门训练用以打游击战的 美国 陆军的一个师。
The hero of the story the man who carried the message was Colonel Andrew Summers Rowan who when the Spanish-American War broke out was a young lieutenant in the United States Army .
故事中的英雄,就是安德鲁·罗文,一个送信人, 美国 陆军的一位年轻的中尉。当时美西战争爆发。
He then joined the United States Army just before the outbreak of World War II and after the war was over he went back to China met my mom in Hong Kong where they got married and then brought my mom to the United States .
之后,他在第二次世界大战爆发前加入了 美国 陆军,战争结束后,他回到了中国,在香港遇到了我母亲,他们在那里结婚,然后将我母亲带到了美国。
I am a sergeant in the United States army .
我是 美国 陆军的一名士官。
They 've sent their sons to the United States army .
他们送自己的儿子参加 美国 陆军。
This is colonel Clarence e pitts United States army .
我是 美国 军队克拉伦斯匹兹上校。
And he wrote out another letter and that was a letter of resignation from the United States Army for the failure of the landings at Normandy .
他还写了另一封信。那是一封向 美国 军方的辞职信。辞职的理由是诺曼底登陆的失败。