When the war came he enlisted as a United States Army Air Force bomber .
当战争来临时候,他被列入 美军 空军轰炸机不对。
Additionally he is a graduate of both the United States Air Force Command and Staff College and the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College .
此外,他毕业于 美国两个 空军指挥参谋学院和美国的海军陆战队指挥和参谋学院。
I also served on active duty in the United States Air Force and continue to serve my country in the Reserves Lieu said in the statement . And today as an American and as a California state senator I call on Mr. Beckel to resign .
我还曾经是 美国 空军现役 部队的一员,并继续作为后备役为我的国家服务,刘云平在声明中说道,今天,作为一个美国人,作为一名加州州参议员,我要求贝克尔先生辞职。
Background : The chapel is part of the United States Air Force Academy .
背景:小圣堂是 美国 空军学院的一部分。
Prior to his time at Emerson Peter served in the United States Air Force and also worked as a field service technician .
在加入艾默生之前,彼得曾在 美国 空军服役,职业是现场服务技术人员。
The Royal United States w_1225 Air Force
英国皇家 美国w_1232 空军
Because of my two-year commitment to the United States Air Force I was unable to apply to graduate school directly after college .
由于在 美国 空军学院读了两年,我从学院毕业后不能直接申请研究生院。
What is most astounding : helicopter design the contour uses advanced Apache with the present United States Air Force helicopter 's contour to be exactly the same unexpectedly .
最让人惊奇的是:“直升机图案”的外形,竟然跟目前 美国 空军使用的最先进的“阿帕奇”直升机的外形如出一辙。
Despite my growing interest in chemistry I still harbored dreams of becoming a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force at the time of my high school graduation .
虽然对于化学的兴趣渐渐浓厚起来,我中学毕业时还是曾考虑过成为一个 美国 空军的战斗机飞行员。
The United States Air Force was going to be doubled or perhaps trebled in the next six months .
在未来的六个月中, 美国将把它的 空军增加一倍或两倍。
Of the cooperation between the United States and China during the Second World War we hear much of brave and skilled aviators-the Flying Tigers the Hump pilots the14th Air Force .
关于二战期间 美中之间的合作,我们听到了许多英勇善战的飞行员的故事&飞虎队、驼峰飞行员、第十四 航空 大队。
Yesterday december 7th 1941 ? A date which will live in infamy ? The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air force of the Empire of japan .
昨天,1941年12月7日&在这个臭名昭著的日子里, 美利坚 合众国突然受到日本帝国 海空军的蓄意袭击。
From the August of 1941 the United States voluntary Air Force to the War of Resistance Against Japan Sino-US Air Force at the battlefield of china has cooperated fully .
从1941年8月 美国志愿 航空 队 成立到抗日战争结束,中美空军在中国战场进行了充分的合作。
In the United States there has never been Marshal Rank at all but they have General of the Army General of the Air Force and Fleet Admiral .
美国从来没设过元帅军衔,但他们有陆军五星上将, 空军五星上将,海军五星上将。
Expert Testimony System in Britain & America and Establishment of Expert Testimony System in China ; the Royal United States w_1467 Air Force
英美国家的专家证据制度与我国专家证据制度的建立英国皇家 美国w_1488 空军
Earlier this year SpaceX sued the United States Air Force over an $ 11 billion contract awarded to Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) for a block of military satellite launches .
今年早些时候,SpaceX把 美国 空军告上了法庭,原因是后者将一系列军事卫星发射任务交给了波音(Boeing)和洛克希德-马丁(LockheedMartin)设立的合资公司UnitedLaunchAlliance(ULA)。
1963-Lyndon B.Johnson was sworn-in as the36th President of the United States aboard Air Force One after the assassination of President John F.Kennedy in Dallas Texas .
1963年,在当时的 美国总统约翰F·肯尼迪在德州的达拉斯遇刺后,林登·约翰逊在 空军一号上宣誓成为美联众的第三十六任总统。
In the United States the Army the Navy the Air Force and the Marine Corps are all capable of putting this weapon to military use .
在 美国,陆军、海军、 空军和海军陆战队都是有能力的投掷军用武器的。
The United States Department of Defenseadministers the armed forces including the Army Navy Marine Corps and Air Force .
美国国防部的管理武装部队,包括军队,海军,海军陆战队和 空军。
How many FunctionaI pianes did you deiiver to the United States Air force ?
您最终为 美国 空军提供了几架成品?
After lunch the first lady 's party was due to fly back to the United States aboard Air Force Two .
午餐过后,第一夫人一行人预定搭乘 空军二号,返回 美国。
With the bodies expected to return to the United States on Tuesday there has been speculation top officials might travel to Dover Air Force Base to pay tribute to the service members .
这些遗体预计周二能返回 美国,也有猜测认为高层官员可能会到多佛 空军基地对这些服务过国家的成员表示敬意。
And it 's likely to force drastic changes in an organization that is rich in tradition the United States Air Force Academy .
并且它可能 强力的引起一个传统的强大组织 美国 航空院校内部发生急剧的变化。
Sixth Mitchell elaborated the role of the United States ' air force in the world . Seventh Mitchell showed a series of far-sighted strategic vision of the air force . such as the use of No control balloons airships and airborne and so on .
六是阐述了 美国 空军在世界上的作用。七是提出了一系列有远见的空军战略设想。象无人控制气球、飞艇和空降兵的使用等等。
The United States Navy SEa Air and Land ( SEAL ) Teams commonly known as Navy SEALs are the U.S.Navy 's principal special operations force .
美国海军海豹突击队,简称海豹突击队(NavySeals),其中Seals是“Sea、 Air、Land”即“海、 空、陆”的简称,是美国海军最主要的一支特种 部队。