unit delay

[ˈjunɪt dɪˈle][ˈju:nit diˈlei]

[电] 单位延迟

  • It comprises of four basic unit : input delay filter register bank and control unit .

    这种结构由四部分 构成:输入 延迟 单元、寄存器单元、滤波器单元和控制单元。

  • Reliability Analysis of N - Unit Series System with a Replaceable Facility and Delay Repair

    修理设备可更换且有修理 延迟的N 部件串联系统分析

  • The pH value is one of the most important quality variables of phenol-acetone unit . However it is hard to achieve good pH control performance as the pH process has serious nonlinear characteristic and long time delay .

    pH值是苯酚丙酮 装置中最重要的质量变量之一,但由于pH值检测过程存在高度的非线性和大 滞后 特性,很难有效地对pH值进行自动控制。

  • The angle fuel wind - Reheat steam temperature process of power unit is a typical large inertia and large delay thermal object . The PID controller is difficult to meet the performance requirements of the object .

    单元 机组燃料风倾角-再热汽温被控对象是一个典型的热工大惯性大 迟延对象,常规的PID控制器很难满足性能要求。

  • Before you view the failing report did you notice how quickly the unit tests ran as well as the noticeable delay in running the integration tests ?

    在查看失败报告之前,您是否注意到 单元测试运行速度很快,而在运行集成测试时会有明显的 延迟

  • The CSA unit is rearranged at the Boolean level . It decreases the crucial delay by 36 % .

    同时,对每一个CSA 单元在布尔函数级的进行重新调度,使得关键 路径 延时减少36%。

  • Power unit is a multivariable strong couple and long time delay complexity nonlinear system . It is difficult to set up the exactly mathematic model and it is a challenge for the design of the power unit control system .

    火电 单元 机组是一个多变量、强耦合、大 时滞复杂的非线性系统,难以建立精确的数学模型,其控制系统的设计面临着严峻的挑战。

  • We propose two optimization principles : ( I ) the number of memory access in kernels can be decreased to zero by coupling a substantial unit and a sub-key storage unit ; ( II ) reorganizing the basic operations to balance delay distribution .

    提出分组密码处理器优化的两个原则:①增加置换单元和子密钥存储 单元,将核心运算期间的访存次数减少为零;②对基本操作进行重新组合,均衡 延迟分布。

  • In auxiliary storage unit ( i. e. magnetic disk ) the maximum rotation delay time for reading / writing a record generally it is the time of one revolution of the recording medium .

    在辅助 存储器(如磁盘),读写一个记录的最大旋转 延迟时间,通常是记录表面转一圈所需的时间。

  • This method is applied to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle expression data and to model mutiple time unit delayed gene regulatory network and construct the delay of the gene regulatory networks showing the effectiveness of the algorithm .

    将此方法用于酿酒酵母菌细胞周期表达数据,构建多 时延的基因调控网络,显示了算法的有效性。

  • Two methods namely changing the dimension of the delay unit and adding exterior buffer spacers were utilized to reinforce the delay unit under overload with a high acceleration .

    本文提出通过改变延期 装置壳体尺寸及增加外部缓冲热垫片两种方法,对高加速度过载加载下的 延期装置进行加固。

  • Before / after changing the dimension of the delay unit or adding exterior buffer spacers the burning process of boron type delay charge pressed into the delay unit under overload with a high acceleration was simulated with ANSYS / LS-DYNA .

    应用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件仿真模拟了管壳尺寸改变前后及加垫纸垫前后 延期 装置高加速度过载加载过程。

  • Research on Modeling Method with Unit of Time Delay and Drop Date-packet

    一种不定时 与数据包丢失的 统一建模方法

  • We propose a gate level algorithm for average power estimation in combinational circuit under the unit delay model and the general delay model .

    提出一种基于ROBDD图和 时延 的组合电路门级平均功耗估算算法,该算法适用于 单位 延迟模型和一般的延迟模型。

  • Based on the unit delay model the analysis of glitch power in CMOS integrated circuits using timed Boolean function and timed reduced ordered binary decision diagram is presented .

    在集成电路中 器件 延迟数学模型的基础上,介绍了如何利用定时布尔函数和定时有序二值决策图对集成电路GlitchPower进行分析;

  • The power unit takes charge of load regulation at present which requires high performance of the load control system . The dynamic delay and inertia of boilers are the main constraints to the load response of power units .

    单元 机组要承担调峰任务,给机组的负载控制提出了很高的要求,而锅炉的动态 延迟和惯性是影响机组负载响应的主要制约因素。

  • In addition because of the regional relay protection needing a strong communications system so the paper also established LAN model between agent unit and host computer and calculates the communication network flow . Then the paper analyses the communication delay and flow by OPNET software .

    区域保护是依靠通信系统来保证的,本文还建立了Agent 单元和保护主机之间的局域网通信模型,对网络中的流量进行分析计算,并利用OPNET软件对网络模型的通信 延时和流量进行仿真。

  • Each unit is able to hold the battlefield situation and target movement without delay .

    每个防空作战 单元都可以 及时掌握战场态势和目标动向。

  • The supercritical unit has some characters such as nonlinear parameters time-varying and large delay predictive control has special advantage on handling target with large delay .

    超临界 单元 机组具有非线性、参数时变、大 迟延等特性,预测控制对大迟延对象具有独特的优势。

  • J company as a professional wireless coverage project unit with the business expansion how to increase to ensure that the project construction quality is a brook no delay problem .

    J公司作为专业进行无线信号覆盖项目的 单位,随着公司业务不断拓展,如何在项目增加的情况下,保证项目建设的品质是一个 刻不容缓的问题。

  • The dynamic priority scheduling algorithm can adjust the multimedia unit priority adaptively during the stream transmission which help to reduce the average delay variation of the stream and decrease the packet loss caused by the jitter .

    动态优先级调度算法通过在流媒体传输过程中动态调整数据 的优先级,减少媒体流的平均 延时抖动,降低抖动导致的信息丢失。

  • Second according to the feature of trap logic unit we design the high driving capability special logic and high-speed standard cells which enhance the ability of standard cell library to support the trap logic unit and it optimizes the critical path delay greatly .

    其次,针对中断逻辑部件的特点,定制设计了大驱动、特殊逻辑和高速的标准单元,增强了标准单元库对中断逻辑 部件的支持能力,缩短了关键路径的 延时

  • Especially the revolution of the current property 's and financial systems which oppress our country 's micro economic unit against improving international competition further to delay the progress of achieving free exchange of RMB .

    特别是对压抑我国微观经济 主体提升国际竞争力、进而 拖累人民币自由兑换进程的现行产权制度和金融制度实施变革,更是当务之急。

  • Base on the fuzzy control theory the paper introduces a method used to control and manage glass furnaces and proposes a fuzzy control unit better adapting to large time delay process .

    本文介绍以STD工控 为控制核心,采用模糊控制原理,对大型玻璃窑炉进行过程监控和管理的方法,并对模糊 控制器在适应大 滞后 对象方面作了改进。

  • The key technique of quantitative time-delay is the precision of delay unit as its resolution is determined by the time-delay stability of the delay unit .

    量化时延技术的关键是构成延迟链的延迟 单元的准确度,其 延时单元的延时稳定性,决定了其分辨率的大小。

  • FCCU ( fluid catalysis and cracking unit ) is a highly non-linear time variable long time delay intensive coupling parameter distributed indefinite and complex system .

    催化 裂化 装置是一个高度非线性、时变、长 时延、强耦合、分布参数和不确定性的复杂系统。

  • Supercritical power unit is the very complicated controlled object owing to dynamic characteristics of production process full of multi variety high inertia high delay nonlinear and time changeable .

    超临界 机组是非常复杂的控制对象,其生产过程的动态特性是属于多变量、大惯性大 滞后、非线性和时变的。

  • When the number of the aircraft is more the same unit delay cost for every aircraft is used to simplify the calculation .

    当飞机架次较多时,采用事件驱动型模型会取得较好的求解效果,但原有模型将不同类型飞机的 单位 延迟费用认为是相同的。