
[ˈjunɪsən, -zən][ˈju:nɪsn]


  • We said in unison we are looking for my keys .

    我们 异口同声 说,我们在找我的钥匙。

  • This was too much in unison with my lord 's feelings to be altogether unpalatable .

    这句话和主教的感受太 一致了,不可能 使他一点儿不感到不快。

  • The international community is ready to work in unison against him .

    国际社会准备 联手反对他。

  • Raising capital standards in unison must be one of their most important goals .

    采取 一致 行动提高资本金标准,必须是他们的最重要目标之一。

  • This doubles pair played in perfect unison .

    这对双打选手 配合 默契

  • The students gave him a rapturous welcome chanting in unison : ' We want the king ! '

    学生们给予了他热烈的欢迎,他们 齐声高喊:“我们要国王!”

  • The last verse will be sung in unison .

    歌词的最后部分要 齐唱

  • Unison and the other unions have the power to hold the Government to ransom .

    公务员 工会和其他工会有能力胁迫政府。

  • The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism .

    各国政府 一致行动起来与恐怖主义作斗争。

  • My feelings about the matter are in unison with yours .

    我对于这件事 看法和你们 完全 一致

  • Give me back my salary give me back my dignity the people shouted in unison .

    人们 齐声高喊,还我工资,还我尊严。

  • 72 pairs of hands clapped in unison to the song .


  • For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison today 's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable

    对于通常无法 统一 行动的各个教会来说,今天这一前所未有的举动 无疑更加非同寻常。

  • The bank have act in unison with the building society in lowering interest rate .

    银行降低了利率来 配合 房屋建筑协会的行动。

  • Logistics and network in unison across the various media .

    物流“和”网络 并驾齐驱,在种种媒介上 纵横驰骋

  • More footsteps sounded from the right and in unison everyone turned in their direction .

    更多的脚步从权利听,而且在 调和中,每个人在他们的方向中转向。

  • The audience were clapping and stamping in unison .

    观众 一起在拍手和 跺脚

  • My feelings are in unison with yours .

    我的感情与你的感情是 一致的。

  • The leadership and the rank and file are of one mind ( or work in unison ) .

    上下 一条心

  • Very very good care Beverly and I pleaded in unison .

    “要非常,非常的小心。”贝弗莉和我 异口同声的乞求着。

  • In the early part of the crisis governments acted in unison to restore confidence and economic activity .

    在危机的 初期阶段,各国政府 联合行动,以恢复市场信心和经济活动。

  • A harp having strings tuned in unison ; they sound when wind passes over them .

    具有已调好的弦的 竖琴;当风通过时能发出声音。

  • The international community must act in unison if we are to find a lasting resolution to this problem .

    如果我们想要找到这个问题的永久解决方案,国际社会必须行动 一致

  • Michael and the landlady nodded in unison .

    迈克尔和房东太太 一起 点头

  • They shouted ` Yes ! ' in unison ; they responded in chorus to the teacher 's questions .

    他们 齐声 喊‘是’;他们异口同声 回答老师的问题。

  • It is difficult to get everyone in unison much time and energy is wasted .

    这是很难让每个人都 异口同声 ,很多的时间和精力的浪费。

  • Shout approval in unison .

    打夯 喝彩

  • Hedge funds private equities and commodities have underperformed in unison .

    对冲基金、私人股本和大宗商品 统统业绩不佳。