United States Patent


  • A Study of Analysis and Prediction of Patent Activity of China for United States Utility Patent

    我国获得 美国 发明专利信息分析与预测研究

  • In the United States only the patent owner has right to file a lawsuit after infringement . Most cases were heard by jury and decide the damages awarded to plaintiff while few by judge .

    美国,发生 专利侵权纠纷后享有诉权的只有 专利 人,大多数 专利案件由陪审团来审理并确定赔偿数额,少数案件由法官审理及确定赔偿数额。

  • Beyond Europe and the United States patent offices in major food-producing countries including Argentina Brazil China Mexico and South Africa are also being swamped .

    在欧洲和 美国之外,主要粮食生产国的 专利机构包括阿根廷、巴西、中国、墨西哥和南非也忙得不可开交。

  • However although the business method has become the statutory subject matter of the United States ' law people are still arguing on the legitimacy of this new patent .

    然而,尽管商业方法已成为 美国法律的法定保护客体,对于这种新兴 专利合法性的讨论,仍是方兴未艾。

  • Mainly introduces the United Kingdom the United States and South Korea domestic legislation in copyright trademark patent and other intellectual property laws apply to the legislative status quo and issue a brief assessment of them .

    本章分别介绍了英国、 美国、韩国国内立法中的著作权、商标权、 专利 以及其他知识产权法律适用的立法现状,并对其进行简要评析。

  • Chapter 3 introduces patent conditions of application and authorization abroad patent strategy of United States Japan and Korean and patent strategy of multinational enterprise to China .

    第三章介绍了国外专利申请授权状况,以及 美国、日本、韩国的专利战略和跨国企业对中国的 专利战略。

  • But in the United States and other developed countries patent implied license has been extensively applying and became an important right of defense .

    但是在以 美国为代表的西方 专利法制发达的国家中, 专利默示许可早已是一种重要的侵权抗辩事由,而且适用范围极其广泛。

  • Based on the research of stakeholder rights ' attribute the paper analyze the influences from the difference of elements between China and the United States patent system to the attributes of stakeholders ' right it is benefit for complement of stakeholder theory in other areas .

    通过对利益相关者权利属性进行研究,分析 中美 专利制度要素差异对于利益相关者权利属性的影响,是对利益相关者理论在其他领域的补充与尝试。

  • The United States of America absorbed the attainments of patent system of the UK and completed the leap pursuantly to her own needs .

    美国吸收英国 专利制度成果并根据自身需要,最先实现了这一飞跃。

  • The technology has been the United States patent .

    该技术已获 美国 专利

  • And the United States Patent and Trademark Office has rejected all five in dispute though its decision was not final .

    美国 专利与商标部驳回了这所有五项争论,虽然他们的这个决定并不是最终的决定。

  • The word of Patentable subject matter is come from patent law of the United States which refers to the inventions that the patent law grant patent right to .

    可专利主题一词来源于 美国专利法,它是指依 专利法规定准予专利权的发明创造。

  • Based on the bibliometrics the analysis and prediction of patent activity of China for United States Utility Patent granted from January 1 to December 31 are made .

    应用文献计量学方法对1985&2002年中国获得授权 美国发明 专利进行专利文献信息分析与预测研究。

  • In recent years with some well-known United States patent cases in the field of patents produced a number of issues . These issues also deserve our study .

    近年来,随着 美国 国内出现一些知名的 专利案件而在专利领域产生了一些议题,这些议题也值得我们好好研究。

  • The doctrine of equivalent firstly generated from the judicial practice of United States Patent .

    等同原则首先是在 美国 专利司法实践中产生的。

  • The United States promotes patent protection Japan and the European Union and other countries and regions adjust the patent policy actively and strengthen the protection of business method patent . Their protection related to their economic benefits .

    美国大力推进 专利保护,日本、欧盟等国家和地区也积极调整专利政策,加强对商业方法的专利保护,而其保护力度与本国的经济利益相关。

  • As a result the antitrust authorities in the United States Japan and Europe have taken more positive attitudes to patent pool than one decade ago .

    近年来, 美国、日本、欧盟等国家和地区反垄断机关对 专利池的态度也越来越宽容。

  • Following a brief introduction of relevant legal provisions in the United States patent laws the thesis then turns onto discussions of two well-known cases which have been tried by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in 1998 and 1999 respectively .

    在简要介绍 美国相关的 专利法律之后,文章着重讨论了美国联邦巡回上诉法院分别在1998年和1999年作出的两个著名判例。

  • Also introduced Japan the United States and China patent pledge financing legislation present situation and discusses the legislative value .

    并且,介绍了日本、 美国和我国的 专利 质押融资立法的现状,从而探讨该立法的价值。

  • The technique proposed by a United States patent has been improved and made the simulations .

    美国 专利提出的方法进行了改进,做了仿真。

  • It happened in the late1990s in the United States that patent offices started to accept financial patents .

    美国是在上世纪九十年代末期的时候, 专利局才开始授予金融专利。

  • The hybrid rice was transferred to the United States as China 's first agro-technology patent in1979 .

    1979年,杂交水稻 技术作为中国第一项农业技术转让给了 美国

  • United States and Japan have occurred in a series of patent infringement and renewable commodity-related patent dispute case has aroused national intellectual property scholars extensive attention .

    、日等 相继发生了一系列与再生商品侵犯 专利 有关的专利纠纷案件,引起各国知识产权学界的广泛关注。

  • He received a United States patent last year and a number of companies have approached us he said .

    去年,他在 美国获得了一项 专利。已经有多家公司跟我们接洽了,他说。

  • It is not simply a failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to scrutinise applications more rigorously .

    这不仅仅是 美国 专利和商标局缺乏严格的审核程序而导致的失败。

  • In the United States Germany and other countries their patent litigation and jurisdiction has its special provisions and has its strengths and weaknesses .

    而在 美国、德国等国家中,其对 专利诉讼的主管和管辖也有其特别规定,并且有其优势和劣势。

  • The United States Patent Office ( PTO ) has said however that the isolation and classification of a gene 's properties and purposes is sufficient to claim it as an invention .

    尽管如此, 美国 专利署已发话:将一种基因的特性及其存在目的进行分离和分类之工作足可称之为发明。