An uninterrupted and sustained supply of quality-assured anti-TB drugs is fundamental to TB control .
不 间断和持续供应有治疗保证的抗结核药物,是结核控制的根本之道。
In general children require at least nine hours of uninterrupted sleep to be ready for learning .
一般说来,孩子至少需要 连续睡上9个小时才能为学习做好准备。
Of course finding uninterrupted time can be a challenge but it can be done .
当然,找到一 段 不 受 打扰的时间也极具挑战性,但并非完全 不可能。
Therefore the rehabilitation of such railway is the necessary condition for guarantee of uninterrupted safety train operation .
所以铁路的改造和修复是保证列车 不 间断安全运行的必要条件。
Since only top quality components are utilized the201 Series will give the customer years of uninterrupted service .
由于只有高质量的组件使用的201系列将提供 不 间断服务的客户年。
11 . Schedule meetings and communication by email or phone back-to-back to create blocks of uninterrupted work .
11.用邮件或电话把会议和沟通安排在相邻的时间段, 保证有 持续工作的时段。
Treatment must be continued regularly and uninterrupted for six to eight months .
必须定期和 不 中断 地 持续进行治疗六至八个月。
Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing .
时间上 不 中断而且是无限期的持续。
Any uninterrupted stream or discharge .
连续 不断的水流或放电过程。
The database setup and all of the workloads are executed in a single uninterrupted sequence .
数据库设置和所有工作负载不 间断 地 连续执行。
Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ .
自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上,是 一时一刻都 不 休息的。
With an economy in its17th year of uninterrupted growth Australia 's skills shortage has never been worse .
虽然已经迎来了经济 持续增长的第17个年头,澳大利亚的技工短缺却达到的最坏程度。
The big storage capacity offers uninterrupted peace freedom from your surroundings for long periods of time .
它强大的存储能力能使你拥有很长一段时间内 不 被 打扰的安宁和脱离周围环境的自由。
Work went on as usual inside uninterrupted by outside repairs .
外部装修,内部 照常营业。
Note that standby provisions are to be provided as required to ensure continuous uninterrupted operation of the systems .
注意按要求提供备用供应,以确保系统的连续 不 间断操作。
Procurement systems must be able to ensure an uninterrupted supply of drugs .
采购系统必须能够确保药物供应 不 中断。
He took uninterrupted occupancy of this position for ten years .
他 持续担任这一职位10年。
The twists and turns are like the wave well up time and time again uninterrupted attack and setback !
波折就是如波浪般涌来的,一次又一次 不 间断的打击与挫折!
China 's uninterrupted growth now poses a threat to American interests .
随着中国经济的 不断增长,如今已对美国的利益构成了威胁。
This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted
这样能使恢复过程 不 间断 地进行下去。
Lulled by almost uninterrupted economic growth too many European firms assumed that this would last for ever .
近乎 持续的经济增长使许多欧洲公司误以为会好景长在。
Diners can enjoy an uninterrupted view of the garden .
用餐者对花园的景色 一览无余。
Tianjin is two days of uninterrupted time with these people .
而在天津, 你可以与这些人 不 受 干扰 地 相处两天。
The pump will have at least a service life of 20 years and three years uninterrupted operation .
泵至少有20年的使用寿命,且 无 故障运行时间为3年。
Adopting the following six checkpoints will help keep your computer healthy and your business uninterrupted .
采取以下六项检查有助于保持你的健康和你的电脑业务 不 间断。
I start thinking about uninterrupted dinners .
我就想到了 没人 打扰的晚餐。
Providing uninterrupted and continuous service and minimizing downtime and maintenance becomes paramount .
因此,提供 不 间断的持续服务、将停机和维护时间降到最少就变得至关重要。
His hearing remained good so that his contact with the world was uninterrupted .
他的听力尚佳,因此他与外界的联系 没有 中断。