Then America also set up the system of floating charge in its Uniform Commercial Code . But it is very different form the British laws about the set of floating charge and the range of the property that can be set the floating charge on .
此后,美国《 统一商法典》也对浮动抵押制度作出了规定,但其在浮动抵押的创设以及可以设定浮动抵押的财产范围方面都与英国 法有较大差别。
Uniform standard is to enact the higher rates laws which conform to our country finance market characteristics and apply to every kinds of financial behavior .
统一规范就是要制定出符合我国理财市场特征,对各个金融机构经营理财行为都适用的具有高位阶的 法律 规范。
Establish uniform bankruptcy laws ; coin money and regulate its value ; fix standards of weights and measures ;
制定 统一的破产 法,铸造钱币并控制其价值,确立度量衡标准;
Similarly Kant argued that the human mind can develop reliable scientific knowledge that nature must be considered uniform throughout and that scientific laws must be valid or true for every one .
与此相应,康德主张,人类的智慧能够形成可靠的科学知识,自然界必然是 完全 一致的,科学 法则必然对每个人有效或者“真实”。
Theory of administrative omission is not uniform the current laws and regulations on the administrative omission litigation relief provisions do not improve .
理论界对行政不作为的认识并不 统一,现行 法律规范对行政不作为诉讼救济的规定也不完善。
As necessary assistant methods uniform communication standards education management means and laws are important .
从完善解决个人通信安全问题的角度出发,文章 提到了 统一个人通信规范和标准的必要性,以及教育手段、管理 制度、 法律 法规对解决问题的重要意义。
Property Registration since our country has been a series of problems : Property Registration authorities are not uniform ; the Property Registration laws and regulations are not uniform ; property rights registration procedures are not uniform ; the effectiveness of the registration of a lack of credibility .
自我国实行物权登记至今,一直存在一系列问题:物权登记机关不 统一;各物权登记 法律规范不统一;物权登记程序不统一;登记的效力缺乏公信力。
This standby letter of credit shall be subject to uniform customs and Practice for documentary credits 1993 revision ICC Publication No.500 and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of singapore .
此备用信用证受国际商会500号出版物,1993版本的“跟单信用证 统一惯例”的约束,并且受新加坡 相关 法律的管辖和阐释。
Guidelines on the Development of Comprehensive National Politics on Ageing To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States ;
制定国家老龄问题全面政策的准则制定全国 统一的归化条例和破产 法;
By tracing the history the reason of imbalance in its content distribution is explored which is self-evident in International Uniform Substantive legislation and knowledge of long existence of Conflict of Laws .
追溯国际 统一实体法渐进性的历程,探索其内容上不平衡性的原因,对实体法国际统一立法的对策研究,尤其对冲突 法将长期存在的必要性的认识,具有重要的意义。
Finally uniform measures for the implementation of price-limit housing should be made . Relevant laws and regulations should be improved so that the price-limit housing policy can be conducted in accordance with laws .
最后,制定全国 统一的限价房实施办法,健全相关 法律法规,这样才能使得限价房政策的实施有法可依。
However legal form and legal status of the ESOP Association have not been specifically regulated by uniform laws and regulations and hence this may lead to a very embarrassing situation .
但是职工持股会的法律形式与法律地位没有 统一 法律法规进行规范,以至于目前处境十分尴尬。
In May 2003 American Law Institute and National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws pass the revised draft of business part of Uniform Commercial Code .
2003年5月美国法学会和 统一州 法全国委员会通过了美国《统一商法典》买卖篇(第二篇)修正案。
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States ;
制定全国 统一的归化条例和破产 法;
Case through the guiding judicial interpretation of the system can solve the above-mentioned problems in through this vision co-different sentence phenomenon can be resolved in order to achieve uniform application of laws .
通过指导性案例的司法解释化制度可以很好地解决上述中的问题,通过这一构想,同案异判现象也可以得到解决,继而实现 法律 的 统一适用。
Though the connotation of public policy in the international commercial arbitration is quite abstractive and in lack of a uniform definition however the principle of public policy is still widely adopted by so many municipal laws .
虽然,国际商事仲裁中的公共政策内涵比较抽象和原则,缺乏 统一的定义,但是这并不能影响公共政策原则被各国国内 法所普遍采用。
The scope organ and measures of uniform registration shall be specified by the related laws and administrative regulations .
统一登记的范围、登记机构和登记办法,由 法律、行政法规规定。
There exist in the line of international forwarding agency in our country many legal problems arising from lack of uniform laws or regulations .
我国没有 统一 规范国际货运代理的法律法规,致使从业单位多而复杂;
It is very necessary for the legislative body or competent authority to make uniform laws or regulations in accordance with the international practice .
借鉴国际惯例,我国制定 统一的国际货运代理 法规显得十分必要。
As an essential part of the agreements in the WTO the TRIMs regulates the trade-related investment measures and also demands for uniform foreign investment laws in its members .
TRIMs协议作为WTO一揽子协议之一,规范与贸易有关的投资措施,并对成员方的外资 立法提出 统一的要求。
This author determines that the making of a uniform code of interregional conflict laws by the three jurisdictions through consultation is the most appropriate and effective way to solve the problems resulting from the interregional conflict of laws of Hong Kong Macao and the Pearl River Delta .
而由各法域协商制定 统一的区际冲突 法典来进行协调,应该是目前我国协调解决港、澳、珠三角地区区际法律冲突的较切实可行、同时也是行之有效的途径。
The current international lack of uniform application of the antitrust laws of the countries countries can only rely on domestic law to regulate the monopolistic behavior of the extra-territorial .
当前国际缺乏 统一适用各国的反垄断 法律的情况下,各国唯有依靠国内法对域外的垄断行为进行规制。
TRIPS itself is not a uniform law but a set of the lowest standards that must be observed by various member nations to protect the intellectual property rights and must be implemented by the relevant laws and legal procedures .
TRIPS本身并不是 划一的法律,而是一套各成员国须遵守以保护知识产权的最低标准,由 国家 立法落实并须以实施有关法律的程序配合。
As an important problem worldwide the influence of the uniform accounting system on management as well as the accounting related laws and regulations is not only profoundly reflected in the history but also in the present time and the future .
统一会计制度建设是个世界性的重要问题,它对于人类经济管理活动与会计 法律制度体系建立的影响充分反映在历史上,也全面、深刻地显示在现在与未来。
Under no impacting now available legal frame China should make a uniform and formal law on electronic commerce make concert and specific regulations in accordance with actual conditions liquidate and revise existing laws and not codify electronic commerce .
在不损及现有法律框架的前提下,电子商务宜走 统一的、形式意义上电子商务立法的道路,并根据实际情况制定配套的单行 法规。
Equity division reform aimed at full circulation of the equity requires uniform guidelines including reform principles justice standards and relative laws and regulations to guarantee the equality of the equity market .
股权分置改革是中国股票市场发展中的一项重大改革,在这场全流通的改革中,需要有 统一的原则和判断标准,且需要切实相关的法规 法律来保证市场的公平性。
Approving a new uniform is a complicated and lengthy process and will require the police commission to seek a change to the laws regulating the force Pongsapat added .
他说,新 制服的审批要经过一个复杂而漫长的过程,而且还需要警察委员会对相关 法律做出相应的修改。
As the author I deem that the reasons of the law conflict are : 1 . lack of uniform international rules and cooperation between countries ; 2 . remarkable differences existing in the laws of different countries ; and 3 . special protection given to domestic creditors .
笔者认为,跨境破产案件中,法律冲突产生的原因主要在于:1、缺乏 统一国际规则及国家间缺乏协作;2、各国 相关 法律 规定存在显著差异;3、各国对于本国债权人利益的特别维护。
The solution to them is changing mind enacting uniform administrative laws specifying the responsibility for violation and solving the recent problems according to the standard of the government of law and rule .
解决这些问题的对策是转变观念、制定 统一的行政程序 法、严格程序违法责任和按照法治政府的要求改善当前的行政程序问题。
[经] 统一法