


  • We now have a community where kids and adults can go to the park unmolested .

    在我们现在的社区,大人小孩都可以随意 进出公园。

  • They allowed him to leave unmolested .

    他们让他 平安离开了。

  • It has a right to expect the artist to recognize that particularly since he enjoys creative freedom in the mist of war that he never had in times of normal and unmolested peace .

    我们有权希望艺术家承认,特别是他可以在战争时期自由的创作, 从来不 阻碍的正常的和平。

  • Services range from the money-transfer agents to private jets that ferry money by customs officials unmolested according to lawyers and brokers who help Chinese investors find investments abroad .

    据律师和帮助中国投资者在海外寻找投资项目的经纪商说,服务项目从汇款中介到由海关人员 毫无 顾忌 运送现金的私人飞机等不一而足。

  • I shall delight to pass the shores of those lone rock-islets where the sea-birds live and breed unmolested .

    我很喜欢走过那种孤寂的暗礁似的小岛的 堤岸,海鸟生长在那里,没有人 骚扰它们。

  • There is no other way to work towards at least capping North Korea 's nuclear weaponry which unmolested and uninspected it is presumably doing its best to enhance .

    除此之外,再有没有别的办法至少可以限制朝鲜核武器,朝鲜也在 暗中努力增强武器。

  • In France we leave unmolested those who set fire to the house and persecute those who sound the alarm .

    在法国,我们对放 火烧房子的人 置之不理 处罚 敲响警钟的人。

  • It leaves the categories and method of ordinary knowledge quite unmolested .

    他的 认识 使得 认识的范畴和一般认识方法

  • To be left unmolested by Satan is no evidence of blessing .


  • They had been fortunate where the pirates were concerned slipping down Dagger Lake by night unseen and unmolested .

    在海盗担心的这一点上他们很幸运, 无声无息 没有 麻烦 夜色 顺德 向下

  • This is particularly so in regard to oil and the importance of ensuring tanker traffic can flow unmolested through the Strait of Hormuz the Gulf 's strategic waterway currently the scene of military exercises involving Iran 's Revolutionary Guards .

    在石油以及确保油轮在 霍尔木兹海峡畅行无阻方面,尤其如此。霍尔木兹海峡是海湾地区的战略性航道,目前一些方面在此举行军事演习,其中包括伊朗革命卫队。

  • Somehow they managed to sit unmolested in my kitchen until the next morning .

    无论如何,它们要在我的厨房里 干扰 到明天早上。

  • Together these influences have resulted in a new kind of foreign policy designed to promote a peaceful international environment within which China can pursue its comprehensive domestic development goals unmolested .

    两种因素共同促使中国采取了一种新的外交政策,即致力于为国内发展 谋求和平的外部环境。

  • Indeed he could pursue his studies unmolested .

    他的确可以 干扰 学问了。

  • Like many fugitives he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years

    像很多逃亡者一样,他也 平安无事 在阿根廷生活了多年。

  • Activity makes me in the hugs of the collectivity and be unmolested and happily living .

    活跃,使我融入集体的怀抱, 忘掉 烦恼轻松愉快地生活;

  • Not only was he unmolested but two years later he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiarly heinous conditions .

    范德比尔特不仅 逍遥法外,而且在两年后又以极其凶狠的 手段对政府进行一次巨大的诈骗。

  • Much to their surprise they did.The11 male monkeys headed straight for the wheeled toys such as dump trucks leaving the plush toys more-or-less unmolested .

    令他们十分意外的是,这种偏好的确跟性别有关。实验用的11只公猴子直奔翻斗火车等带轮子的玩具,对毛绒玩具几乎 置之不理