


  • He is a toxin that has been introduced to your work environment and his continued presence will make it uninhabitable .

    他是你们工作环境中的毒素,而且他的继续出现将使 下去

  • The wide but rum selection includes Bouvet Island an uninhabitable icy knoll belonging to Norway in the South Atlantic ;

    这一串又长又怪的选项菜单里包括 布维岛,一个南大西洋上归属挪威的 无人 居住的冰丘;

  • In low-lying areas where entire neighborhoods were almost completely submerged thousands of houses remain uninhabitable .

    整个附近的低洼地区完全被淹没,数以千计的房屋仍然 不能 居住

  • Many islands that were once considered uninhabitable wildernesses have become desirable properties .

    许多岛一度被认为是 适宜 居住的荒地也成为了受人们向往的地产。

  • Areas surrounding Japan 's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant could remain uninhabitable for decades due to high radiation the government warned on Saturday as it struggles to clean up after the world 's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl .

    日本政府上周六警告称,被废弃的福岛核电站周围地区由于高辐射,可能几十年 无法 居住。福岛核事故是切尔诺贝利核事故来最严重的一起,日本政府一直尽力清除放射性物质。

  • He said the new planet is uninhabitable due to the distance that separates it from its star which is far less than that between the earth and the sun .

    他说这颗新发现的行星由于距离自身恒星的距离缘故而 适宜 居住。它们之间距离和地球和太阳之间距离相比要短许多。

  • At that point the Earth 's atmosphere and water will be boiled away leaving the planet uninhabitable .

    此时,地球的大气层和水也汽化的一干二净, 无法 居住

  • The foul smell made much of London virtually uninhabitable .

    臭烘烘的气味令伦敦的 诸多 地区 无法 居住

  • The 1755 Lisbon earthquake made two-thirds of a prosperous city uninhabitable .

    1755年里斯本地震摧毁了这座繁荣的城市,三分之二的 地区 不再 适宜 居住

  • About 90 percent of the city 's single-family homes are uninhabitable

    该市约90%的独户住宅都 适合 居住

  • For example take mankinds greatest invention : Air Conditioning The magic box of cool that makes otherwise uninhabitable sections of the world quite tolerable places to live .

    拿人类最伟大的发明:冷气作为例子这个神奇的凉爽盒子让世界上一些若无冷气 不宜 居住的区域变成蛮适合居住的所在。

  • Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes a Russian cosmologist has theorised .

    尽管超大质量黑洞被认为最具破坏力并且绝对 无法 居住,然而俄罗斯的一名宇宙学家理论上认为,黑洞中有生命存在的条件。

  • His cabin is uninhabitable in summer let alone in winter .

    他的小屋 夏天 ,更不用说在冬天 了。

  • Many areas of the Pacific Ocean may become uninhabitable within decades w_626 .

    太平洋的许多区域可能(在几十年内)变得 适宜 居住

  • He is now lost to himself setting forth confidently on uninhabitable terrain relentlessly alone and without apparent hope for a clear path out .

    今日 离开了自我,独自一人自信地走上 漫长 旅程,前往那 无人 踏足的领域,对于是否能找到正确的脱离之道,也不寄予希望。

  • Pollution could ultimately lead to these cities becoming uninhabitable .

    污染会最终使所有的城市不再 适于 居住

  • Almost half of the total country is uninhabitable desert .

    全国几乎一半是 适于 居住的沙漠。

  • Indeed some areas of the country could become almost uninhabitable .

    美国的部分地区甚至会变得几乎 无法 居住

  • The house is uninhabitable in summer let alone in winter .

    这房子夏天 不能 ,更不用说冬天了。

  • Japan knows that swathes of its territory will be contaminated perhaps uninhabitable for the rest of the century .

    日本知道它的大片国土将被污染,或许在本世纪剩下的时间里 无法 居住

  • A few times my brother and I carried out quick repairs to keep the treehouse from being condemned as uninhabitable .

    我和哥哥迅速修补了好几回,以免树屋进一步破败至不堪 留驻

  • As parts of the world become uninhabitable millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas .

    随着世界的一些地方变得 适人 ,数以百万计的人将会试图迁移到环境更加宜人的地区。

  • To later generations consequently the pastoral tribes appear to have come from regions which so far from being the cradle of mankind were almost uninhabitable for their savage ancestors and even for man at the lower stages of barbarism .

    因此,后人便以为游牧民族是起源于这样一些地方,这种 地方根本 不会是人类的摇篮, 相反,对于人类的祖先蒙昧人,甚至对于野蛮时代低级阶段的人,都几乎是 适于 居住的。

  • Earth has become uninhabitable and the surviving humans are fleeing to mars .

    地球已经变得 无法 居住,幸存的人纷纷逃离至火星。

  • Storm damage has made the house uninhabitable .

    暴风雨的破坏使这座房子 不能 了。

  • We see the irreplaceable being squandered and in the depths of our consciousness we are fearful that we are creating an uninhabitable world .

    我们看着不可再生的资源被压榨 殆尽,而意识深处则在担忧着这个世界将 最终 变得 无法 人类 生存

  • Tests reportedly showed that the island would be uninhabitable for one hundred years .


  • The house is now uninhabitable she said while the grandson and daughter-in law were living in a government-provided tent just outside .

    她说房子现在 无法 居住,她孙子和媳妇就住在屋外政府提供的帐篷中。

  • Growing ice shelves would make the shallows uninhabitable .

    生长的冰架使浅水处变的 适宜 动物 居住