The Application of Paries Anterior Vagina Muscularis Mucosal Flap in the Repairation of Female Complicated Urethrovaginal Fistula
阴道前壁肌黏膜瓣在女性复杂性 尿道 阴道瘘修补术中的应用
Diagnosis and Treatment of the Female Urethral Caruncle Complicated with Urethrovaginal Wall Fusion ( Report of 42 cases )
女性尿道肉阜并发 尿道 - 阴道壁融合 症诊治(附42例报告)
Martius repair in urethrovaginal defects
尿道 阴道 膈膜缺损的 Martius修补术
222 normal 9 acute urethritis 2 urethral cyst 6 bladder-neck obstruction and 1 urethrovaginal fistula were found .
其中正常者222例,急性尿道炎9例,尿道囊肿2例,膀胱颈梗阻6例, 尿道 - 阴道瘘1例。
No stricture on the peristome of urethra or urethrovaginal fistula was observed .
无尿道口狭窄、尿道 阴道瘘等后遗症。
In 10 cases with late complications urethrovaginal fistula occurred in 6 urethral obliteration in 2 and vaginal stricture in the other 2 patients . Urethrovaginal fistula was corrected once in 4 and twice in 2 cases through vaginal approach .
晚期10例中, 尿道 阴道瘘6例,经阴道修补4例1次成功,2例2次修补成功,另2例近端尿道闭锁,采用近端尿道套入法 修补 成功。