urine agar

[ˈjʊrɪn ˈeˌɡɑr][ˈjuərin ˈeiɡɑ:]

[医] 鲜尿琼脂

  • Methods The exudates from the body surface blood and urine of the patient were examined by microscopy and simultaneously inoculated onto the Sabouraud dextrose agar ( SDA ) medium .

    方法多次取患者体表分泌物、血、 尿液做真菌直接镜检,同时接种于沙氏 培养基做真菌培养。

  • For 140 case of sputum and urine culture the positive rate on mushroom blood agar medium is 34.3 % while it on traditional blood agar medium is 32.1 % .

    平菇血 琼脂 培养基对140份痰及 中段 尿 标本阳性菌的检出率为34.3%,传统血琼脂培养基对阳性菌的检出率为32.1%。