urinary output

[ˈjʊrəˌnɛri ˈaʊtˌpʊt][ˈjʊərəˌneri: ˈautput]


  • Blood pressure decreased significantly whereas urine volume urinary sodium output ( USO ) and urinary cGMP content increased significantly 30 d after implantation in CHO-hANP group hypertensive rats as compared with those in CHO-group hypertensive rats .

    移植30d后高血压大鼠的血压明显降低,而尿量、 尿排出 (USO)和尿cGMP明显增加;

  • Meanwhile the volume of fluid infusion at temperature and urinary output were recorded .

    在国麻醉期持续监测体温、室温及相对湿度,记录液体输注量及 尿

  • Abstract : fdp has many actions for mice such as antifatigue antioxygen-deficient decreasing urinary nitrogen output of fatigue mice improving glycogenesis and decreasing glycogen consumption .

    文摘: 福达平(fdp)对小鼠具有抗疲劳、耐缺氧、降低疲劳小鼠血清中尿素氮质量浓度、促进糖原储备、降低糖原消耗等作用。

  • Urinary output urinary density and urinary osmolality were items of the first choice to diagnose DI .

    尿 、比重、渗透压是诊断尿崩症的筛选指标。

  • The importance of routine monit of heart rate blood pressure urinary output and central venous pressure is discussed in this paper .

    本文对习用的心率、血压、 尿 、中心静脉压等监护参数的临床意义从理论及经验上进行了分析。

  • As blood pressure rising urinary output increased breath and consciousness improved .

    随着血压上升, 尿 增加明显,呼吸与神志明显好转。

  • The safe capacity basal IP maximum IP urinary output residual urine volume and time course of urination were recorded before and after training .

    训练前后记录安全容量、基础膀胱内压、最高膀胱内压、自 排尿 、残余尿量、排尿时程等数据。

  • Urinary output urinary density and osmolality were items of the first choice to diagnose diabetes insipidus ( DI ) . The fluid deprivation-vasopressin test is the useful method to diagnose diabetes insipidus .

    尿 、尿比重和尿渗透压是筛查尿崩症的指标,禁水加压素试验仍然是明确诊断的实用方法。

  • Methods : The liver and kidney function myocardial enzyme urinary N-acetyl - β - D-glucosaminidase ( N-AG ) 24 hrs intake and output volume of liquid and kidney B-ultrasonographic examination in 11 patients of severe acute fish gall bladder poisoning were observed .

    方法:11例重度鱼胆中毒的患者,观察治疗前后肝、肾功能,心肌酶学, 尿N乙酰βD氨基葡萄糖苷酶( 尿NAG酶)和肾脏B超检查的变化,记录24h 出入水量;

  • Results In 13 cases urinary output has been increased 9 to 27 days after the operation and renal function recovered one month after operation .

    结果1例移植肾静脉栓塞患者行移植肾切除术;13例患者 9-27d 尿 增多,术后1个月复查肾功能良好。

  • But single measurement of sIL-2R was influenced by many factors such as urinary output fever and renal function .

    但是,单次测定血、 尿sIL-2R结果受 血尿尿 、感染和肾功能等许多因素的影响;

  • Effect of electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus on the urinary output in rats

    电刺激大鼠蓝斑核对 尿 的影响