United States Standard

美国工业标准美国(工业)规格,美国(工业)标准[化] 美国标准

  • With the increase of technical exchange and trade in package machinery between the United States and China it is important to understand the mechanical drawing of American standard .

    随着 中美间包装机械技术交流和贸易的日益增长,掌握基于第三分角投影的美国机械图样表达 方法是一个较迫切的问题。

  • Since the comprehensive budget management came into being in the early 20th century in the United States it has quickly become the standard operating procedure in enterprise management .

    自20世纪初在 美国企业诞生以来,很快成为了企业管理的 标准作业程序。

  • At present the fair value has become the United States generally accepted accounting principles and international accounting standards based on the preferred standard measurement and follow-up measurement of financial instruments as the primary attribute .

    目前,公允价值已经成为了国际和 美国会计准则计量基础的首选 标准,并将其作为金融工具后续计量的主要属性。

  • Vehicle heater is very popular in some developed countries in Europe and the United States the vehicle heater has become the standard Configuration of vehicle .

    车用加热器在国外一些发达国家的应用十分普及,在欧美 发达 国家,车用加热器已成为汽车的 标准配置。

  • But the European Union and the United States as the international standard advocates and maintainer fear that China will change the international standards and international order .

    但是作为国际 规范倡导者和维护者的欧盟及 美国,对于中国未来可能对国际规范、国际秩序所造成的威胁充满了恐惧。

  • Germany and the United States for example have been set up to use flexible standard costing whereas the United Kingdom uses static standard costing based on full costs .

    在全部成本计算过程中,德国和 美国使用可变的 标准成本,而英国实行固定的标准成本。

  • The United States military application quality assurance standard of successful experience first in the boiler and pressure vessel by using .

    美国军品应用质量保证 标准成功的经验,首先在锅炉和压力容器上被采用。

  • The United States has established a detailed comprehensive review standard of foreign banks access supervision and has been very mature in the access form access conditions and co-operation supervision with the home country but there are still a number of shortcomings to be improved .

    美国建立了一套详尽、完备的外资银行准入监管审查 标准,在准入形式、准入条件及与母国并表监管的合作等方面已十分成熟,但是也存在着一些不足有待改进。

  • The first models were imported from the United States where they had been used mainly in hospitals and quickly became standard in Japan in the booming 1980s . They can now be found in at least 70 percent of Japanese homes .

    上世纪70年代,日本从 美国引进第一个智能马桶,主要应用于医院。到了80年代它就赢得了 普通民众的芳心,如今已经成为70%家庭的 标准配备。

  • Materials Science and Engineering in the United States of America ASTM stainless steel standard Part : rod and wire

    材料科学与工程在 美国美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)的不锈钢 标准&盘条与钢丝

  • Similar to the United States the commonwealth countries opportunity judgment standard for the company also produces in jurisprudence and gets development and perfection in the judicial precedents .

    美国类似,英联邦国家对于公司机会的判断 标准也产生于判例中并在司法判例中得到发展和完善。

  • Harvard School influenced the structure of antitrust laws in the United States in early development which is an important standard to measure Later Chicago school also had a significant impact on antitrust laws of the United States to relax controls for the merger .

    哈佛学派在 美国反垄断法制定初期影响较大,认为结构是衡量并购的重要 标准,后来的芝加哥学派的研究对美国反垄断法也产生了很重要的影响,使美国的法律对于合并的控制放宽。

  • United States standard dry seal thread

    美国 标准干密封螺纹

  • In the confusion possibility in order to claim them more objective the United States established the multifactor tests The EU has not form a unified standard in the judicial practice but also summarizes some principles in the trial .

    在混淆可能性认定中, 美国通过建立多因素检验法以求其认定更为客观,欧盟司法实践中没有形成统一的 标准,但在案件的审理中也总结了若干原则。

  • Abroad especially in Europe and the United States there are so many high industry standard requirements of instruments and electronic products .

    在国外,尤其是 欧美国家,他们对于工业使用的仪表和电子产品建立了很多高要求的工业 标准

  • 1933-President Franklin D.Roosevelt announces that the United States will be abandoning the gold standard .

    1933年的今天,弗兰克林·D·罗斯福宣布 美国将放弃金 本位制。

  • In order to make the standard of inventive step objective the United States proposed the standard of non-obviousness assessment .

    为了使创造性标准客观化, 美国率先提出非显而易见性的评判 标准

  • And even as we confront a vicious adversary that abides by no rules I believe the United States of America must remain a standard bearer in the conduct of war . That is what makes us different from those whom we fight .

    即使我们遇到不遵守任何规则的邪恶对手,我认为 美利坚 合众国也必须一如既往成为遵守战争 规范的楷模。这就是我们区别于作战对手的地方。

  • The poverty problem of the United States has appeared many new characteristics since 21st century such as the standard of poverty the quantity scale and structure of poverty population the cause of poverty population etc.

    进入21世纪以来,在贫困人口 划分 标准、贫困人口数量规模及结构类型、致贫因素等诸多方面, 美国的贫困问题又出现了许多新特点。

  • For example choosing United States 101 will set your computer to use a standard English language keyboard configuration .

    例如,选择 美国101键盘将设置计算机以使用 标准英语键盘配置。

  • In contrast the United States has no ethical examination clause which take a relatively relaxed standard of examination .

    与之相反, 美国没有道德审查条款,其采取了相对宽松的审查 标准

  • In the United States the censorship of creativity adopts section-by-section standard . An invention is regarded to be inventive as long as one section of the technicality or business method is non-obvious .

    对于商业方法软件专利的实质要件,各国 标准也不一致。 美国对于创造性审查采用分部 标准,只要发明的技术部分或商业方法部分其中之一是非显而易见的,发明就视为具有创造性。

  • In 2006 the United States China coincide released new course standard and past math was reconsidered and self-criticism .

    2006年, 美国、中国不约而同推出了新的课程 标准,对以往的数学教育进行了反思和自我批评,并 制定了新的教学 标准

  • And the United States has seen our economy grow along with the standard of living enjoyed by our people while bringing the Cold War to a successful conclusion .

    美国的经济增长已经看过我们一起享受生活的 标准,而我们的人民带来了冷战圆满结束。

  • At present the United States and the European Union is fairly standard in theoretical study and practical operation .

    当前,理论研究和实务操作比较 规范的要数 美国和欧盟。

  • When the listing is live a buyer in the continental United States will see two flat rate options : Standard for $ 4.99 and Expedited for $ 7.99 .

    当物品发布后,位于 美国大陆的买家将会看到卖家提供的两项运送服务,即数额为4.99美元的 标准型运送和数额为7.99美元的加快送达。

  • Simulation results of the model show that the flow conditions meet the requirements of operating mode . The velocity mean square root meets requirements and is close to the United States RMS standard .

    对其模拟结果分析表明流场均布情况满足工况要求,其断面流速均方根值达到 美国RMS 标准 合格要求并且接近良好。

  • All of our Low Chloride Markers meet or exceed the requirements of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration 's RDT Standard F-7-3T .

    我们的低氯标记全部达到或超过 美国能源研究和发展管理局的快速诊断检测 标准F-7-3T的要求。

  • Quality assurance standards was born in the United States military use of the military standard .

    质量保证标准,诞生于 美国军品使用的军