But if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or an unlearned person he is convinced of all he is judged of all .
但是,如果众人都说先知话,即便有不信的人或 不通的人进来,他必被众人说服,也必被众人所审察。
I think I may boast myself to be with all possible vanity the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress .
我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最 不学无术的女人。
Let him come to Zarathustra who has unlearned the love of his people because he has learned to love many peoples .
Arrive home at a reasonable hour ; commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius ; unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated .
在适当的时间回家;天才也有缺点是常识; 没 受过教育但有基本常识的乡下人能够解决那些困扰渊博的人的问题。
He is unlearned in economy .
他不 谙经济学。
But if violence is a learned behavior it can also be unlearned .
但是,如果说暴力是一种后天获得的行为,那 末它也可以被 抛弃。
Erudite scholars come in good spirit to talk with me Among my guests there is no unlearned common man .
谈笑的是渊博的学者,往来的没有 浅薄的人。
Attempting to read an unlearned spell could cause terrible pain blindness even insanity .
尝试阅读 不 了解 的 法术可能导致极大的痛苦,目盲,以至于疯狂。
As Franklin said : The learned fool writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearned ; but still it is nonsense .
有学问的愚人写出胡言乱语的 时候, 使用的文字会比 没有 学问 的 愚人 优美;但他写下的东西到底还是胡言乱语。
Those who are enthusiastic and creative but inexperienced and unlearned may not achieve anything .
只有好奇和创意而没有经验和 知识 是 远远不够的。
An unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues ;
不懂复杂问题的 没 念 过 书的一群 人;
This is a learned behavior and it can be unlearned with intentional action .
这是一个可以学到行为与故意 西 奥斯行动。
Of learned fools I have seen ten times ten of unlearned wise men I have seen a hundred .
有学问的傻子我见过成千上万, 没 学问的聪明人我见得很少。
Breathing is an unlearned act .
呼吸是一种 自然而然 就会的行为。
As the ego is unlearned undone & dissolved we learn of a forgiven world a world washed clean and clear of judgment .
当 小我被 化解与消融时,我们就能见到一个被宽恕的世界,一个被洗净了一切判断的世界。
Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest ?
不然,你用灵祝谢,那在座不通方言的人,既然不明白你的话,怎能在你感谢的 时候说阿们呢。
These expectations must be unlearned by market participants .
市场参与者必须 摒弃这类期望。
If lessons go unlearned and steps are skipped it leads to a greater and greater level of distortion in evolution over time .
如果课程 未 学习、骤被省略,那么经过时间 累积,进化扭曲程度将越来越严重。
Before you know it you will have unlearned the debt habit .
很快你就会 摒弃欠债的习惯。
The poem is obscure to those unlearned in the classics . He is a poet in his own way .
这首诗在 不 懂古典 诗作的人 看来是费解的。他是一个有特色的诗人。
On the other hand the subjects could hardly point out the Chinese version while the learned English word was played which was similar to the results of unlearned words and revealed that the effect of learning during sleep was not significant in the explicit memory test .
另外发现被试几乎不能在播放学过的英语词时说出中文对译词,与 未 学 过 的 词对相比没有显著差别,提示睡眠学习效果在外显记忆测验中不明显。
Habits can be both learned and unlearned behavior .
习惯可以同时了解和 未曾行为。
Fear is learned and must be unlearned .
恐惧是一种习得 反应。
Student : Maybe I 'm just unlearned but the whole idea of merging seems foreign to me when I read about it . I don 't think it is something at any point that I have ever believed in .
学生,也许我只是 不学无术,但是,结合的概念看起来与我无关,当我读到它,我认为这不是,我所信任的东西。
Secondly the guessing ability of students are inadequate they learn only by the dictionary once encounter unlearned word .
其次,词义猜测能力明显不足,一旦遇到 没有 学 过的词,就只能靠查字典。
It is worth stressing that the history of the past few months cannot be unlearned .
值得强调的是,过去几个月历史的余波将持续 回荡。
I know habits can be learned and unlearned .
但我也 依然知道它 不可能 立即 形成。
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marvelled ; and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus .
他们见 彼得约翰的胆量,又看出他们 原 是 没有学问的 小 民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过耶稣的。
v.忘却( unlearn的过去式和过去分词 )