universe point

[ˈjunəˌvɚs pɔɪnt][ˈju:nivə:s pɔint]


  • In this paper evolution of the universe under expanding and contracting is discussed with Hubble law and Friedmann Equation and point that evolution of the universe originates from mation of contracting and expanding .

    本文根据Hubble定律和Friedmann方程论述了 宇宙在膨胀与收缩中演化,并 指出宇宙演化的根源在于吸引和排斥的矛盾运动。宇宙演化符合辩证法,又充实了辩证唯物主义的 观点

  • Our posturings our imagined self-importance the delusion that we have some privileGoogle Earthd position in the Universe are challenGoogle Earthd by this point of pale light .

    我们故作姿态,我们自以为很重要,我们自欺欺人地认定人类在 宇宙中的特权地位,这一切都被这个白光中的 小点推翻了。

  • He pointed out the great secret of the universe he used means of drawing this intuitive way to point out the great truths of the world - the spirit of natural life .

    他指出了 宇宙 的大秘密,他用绘画这种直观的方式手段 出了世界上的大真理&自然的生命精神。

  • Bousso 's average life of a universe is a set time only because that 's what happens when you introduce a cut off point to get a reasonable probability he said .

    “布索对 宇宙平均寿命的估计是一个固定的时间,因为只有引入截 来得到一个合理的可能性时,这一切才会发生,”他说。

  • In this paper we describe a new graph of the universe . and point out that heat death of the universe cannot occurs . At the same time .

    本文直观地描绘了一幅新的 宇宙图象,从而 指出宇宙热寂是不可能的.同时.对大 爆炸宇宙图象、 量子 宇宙图象也作了扼要的介绍与比较。

  • The universe that we live in is much more wondrous exciting complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time .

    我们所生存的 宇宙远比我们 现在所知的要更令人惊奇、更令人兴奋、更复杂而且更深远广大。

  • Although the formation of the first universe is in the records of time there can be found no starting point for Havona .

    尽管第一个 宇宙的形成在时间中有记录,哈沃纳宇宙没有起始

  • Ultimately he symbolically goes through the pain of the entire universe so that he can strengthen his Divine Love to the point that he absolutely refuses to pass judgement on others .

    最终他象征性的经历了整个 宇宙的痛苦并且加强了他神一样的爱,从而拒绝对别人做出道德上的判断。

  • Many cosmologists hold the theory that our present universe started at a single point in space .

    许多宇宙学家持这种理论,认为我们现在的 宇宙从空间的一个单 开始。

  • The idea that information can travel across the universe instantaneously is called action at a distance . Work is defined not at an instant or at a point but over an interval .

    信息能瞬时通过 宇宙传播的这个思想被称为超距作用。功不是在某一瞬时或某一 定义的,而是在一段距离上定义的。

  • Scientists using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite .

    科学家使用该理论追踪我们的 早期 宇宙,发现 宇宙开始 拥有一个最小的体积,但是并不是零,一个最大的能量但不是无穷大。