universal suffrage

[ˌjunəˈvɚsəl ˈsʌfrɪdʒ][ˌju:niˈvə:səl ˈsʌfrɪdʒ]


  • After 2007 according to the Basic Law it will be up to Hong Kong to decide when to introduce elections by universal suffrage for electing both the Chief Executive and the Legislature .

    根据《基本法》,在二零零七年后,香港会自行决定何时进行 全面 普选,选出行政长官和立法会。

  • The city 's constitution says universal suffrage is the goal but is vague on the timing .

    《香港基本法》规定了“ 全民 普选”是个目标,但没有说明 什么时候 实行

  • Geographical constituency elections are held on the basis of universal suffrage .

    地方选区选举以 普选 方式进行。

  • When was universal suffrage introduced in your country ?

    你们国家是什么时候 开始 赋予 公民 普选 的?

  • People have been demanding a legislature chosen by universal suffrage .

    民众要求立法机关通过 普选 方式选出。

  • His aim was to encourage the community to explore issues relating to universal suffrage from different perspectives .

    他旨在鼓励社会从多个角度讨论有关 普选的事宜。

  • In the US it took 182 years to achieve full universal suffrage for everyone 18 and over .

    美国要用上一百八十二年才达致全面 普选,让所有十八岁及以上的 国民 享有 选举

  • We strongly condemn the central government for breaking its promise and killing genuine universal suffrage 25 of the democrats said in a statement . This universal suffrage plan does not meet international standards and has left no room for discussion .

    我们强烈谴责中央政府食言并扼杀真正的 普选,其中25人在一份声明中表示,这个普选方案不符合国际标准,没有留下任何讨论的空间。

  • Hong Kong is drafting proposals to introduce universal suffrage for the 2017 poll for chief executive .

    香港正草拟相关提议,以便在2017年选举行政长官时引入 普选 制度

  • There is no sign of a major change in beijing 's stance over universal suffrage .

    没有迹象显示中央政府对 普选的立场有重大改变。

  • He needs to gain support before the next election in 2017 when universal suffrage is promised .

    他需要在 2017年举行下届选举前赢得更多的支持。

  • The24 members of this legislative body are elected from lists by universal suffrage for5-year terms .

    24名具有立法资格的议员是通过五年一次 全民 选举产生。

  • It is elected by universal suffrage according to a system of proportional representation to multi-member constituencies .

    它是由按照一定选区一定比例的原则 普选 产生的。

  • And Mr Bradley did express a hope that by the20th anniversary of the handover Hong Kong would enjoy universal suffrage .

    Bradley先生说的确表达了一个希望:在二十世纪的交接前,香港能享受 普选

  • And at the same time persuade Beijing w_770 this is the best thing for Hong Kong for sustaining stability and prosperity and meet the international criteria of universal suffrage which is promised in the Basic Law .

    而且,同时要说服北京,这是对香港、对维持稳定和繁荣来说的最好方式,并且符合 普选 的国际标准&这是《基本法》中的承诺。

  • We have spent enough time and effort over the past two years on the question of universal suffrage and we should refocus and redeploy our time and energy on other matters he said .

    梁振英表示:过去两年,我们已在 普选的问题上花费了足够多的时间和精力。我们应该将时间和精力重新聚焦和部署到其他事务上。

  • The ultimate aim is the election of both the chief executive and the entire legislature through universal suffrage .

    最终目标是行政长官和整个立法会均透过 普选 产生

  • Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class .

    因此, 普选 是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。

  • Two male members from each atoll are elected directly by universal suffrage .

    来自各岛的2名男性成员是经过直接经过 普选 得出

  • Proper pundits mutter darkly about rule of law and universal suffrage shadow banking and debt defaults . But I prefer to tell a tale of toilets .

    真正的专家们严肃地讨论着法治和 普选、影子银行和债务违约,我却宁愿讲一个关于马桶的故事。

  • She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime .

    她希望在有生之年看见 普选 落实的一

  • He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality .

    他提倡 普选 ,认为这是社会公平的基础。

  • The former British colony of Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a one country two systems formula that gives the city more autonomy and freedom than the mainland and a goal of universal suffrage .

    香港1997年回归中国,实行一国两制,这一政策赋予了香港比中国内地更大的自治权和自由,中国内地已承诺将在香港推行 普选

  • He has not pressed Beijing hard enough to fulfil the promise of universal suffrage enshrined in the handover agreement between China and Britain .

    他没有向北京方面施加足够大的压力,要求北京实现其在中英协议中承诺的 普选

  • China has indicated that it will allow universal suffrage for chief executive election in 2017 .

    北京方面已暗示,将允许香港在2017年实现特首 普选

  • While Hong Kong awaits a legislature and a chief executive elected on the conventional basis of universal suffrage measures expected to be introduced in 2017 having an efficient impartial judiciary that acts as a check on the government is seen as a crucial protector of its freedoms .

    尽管香港立法会和特首还不是由常见的 普选 产生(预计 普选 将于2017年开始实行),但拥有高效公正的司法(以对政府形成制衡)也被视为香港自由的关键守护者。

  • Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot .

    欧洲议会议员应经由 普遍、直接、无 记名之自由选举方式 产生

  • We are still a long way from achieving the ultimate aim of universal suffrage which is enshrined in the Basic Law .

    我们距离《基本法》所允诺的 普选目标仍然很远。