The defects and uneven force subjecting condition of the structural design may cause the deformation and damage of the unit frames resulting in dropping and damaging of the instruments .
结构设计的缺陷和不均衡受力状况都可能导致 仪器 房框架结构的变形甚至损毁,导致 仪器 设备脱落或损坏。
This paper presents studies on advanced chemistry diagnosis with combination of latest technology on knowledge database and expert diagnosis for 300 MW generating unit with full chemistry instruments .
针对 仪表取样 设备较齐全的300MW火电 机组,结合最新的知识库及专家诊断技术,重点探讨了化学高级诊断方面的问题。
Selective unit commitment is an temporary solution for fault current reduction and is widely used in power systems under the circumstance as instruments examination or test run .
有选择的 停机是短期内限制短路电流的临时解决方案,在电力系统 设备临时检修或试运行等情况下得到了应用。
At present braided composites has been used in several high technologies including national defense astronavigation & aviation industrial unit medical instruments automobile components sport instruments .
目前编织结构复合材料已广泛应用于许多高科技领域,例如体育用品、工业 设备、医疗 器械、汽车结构以及国防和航空航天等。
Comprehensive mud logging unit house is the mechanical supporting frame for instruments the quality of the structural features will directly affect the effectiveness and safety during the use of the logging instruments .
综合录井 仪器房是 仪器的机械支撑框架,其结构性能的优劣直接影响到录井仪器使用中的有效性和安全性。
This system mainly consists of host computer intelligence manage unit manage host computer data gather computer and measure instruments .
该系统主要由计算机主机、智能管理机主机、 单元管理机、数据采集机及计量 仪表组成。
On the basis of the technological process and the characteristic of materials in Nylon 6 Poly Unit the article describes briefly the peculiarities and precautions of the design pattern selection and installation of lo-cal instruments in Nylon 6 Poly Unit .
本文根据锦纶6聚合装置工艺流程和物料特性,简要介绍了锦纶6聚合 装置中现场 仪表设计选型和安装的特点及注意事项。
The comparing Selecting and storing unit ( CSSU ) and the internal RAM of TMS320V ( '5410 ( Texas Instruments DSP chip ) are used to improve embedded zero tree wavelet coding algorithms and then this algorithms is realized in hardware in order to encode more quickly .
这里以德州 仪器公司的DSP芯片(TMS320VC5410)中的比较选择和存储 单元(CSSU)和片内RAM、改进嵌入零树小波压缩编码算法,并通过硬件来实现该算法。提高了图像的编码速度。
The Design of Encoding Keyboard and Display Unit of Intelligent Instruments
智能 仪表编码键盘和 显示器的设计
This paper studies the performance features of widely used coal fired industrial boilers with chain grates and goes into structural layout of control system for such along with alternative implementations with DDZ-II unit modular instruments or microcomputers .
本文分析了典型的工业燃煤锅炉链条炉运行的特点,提出了对这类锅炉燃烧自动控制系统的组织原则,以及适用于 DDZⅡ型调节 仪表和微型计算机的控制 系统。
The instrument oriented method can not reflect the demand of the unit under test in addition there are many categories of instruments which have different functions and use different software so it is hard to achieve instruments interchanging .
以往采用面向仪器的方式,很难从本质上反映被 测对象的测试需求,加上 仪器种类繁多,功能各异,软件通用性差,因此很难对仪器实现互换。
It points out that sensor is key unit of the intelligent measuring instruments .
并指出传感器是智能化测量 仪器的关键 部件。
The sys-tem contained most of chemical unit operations and included many interrelated equations pipe unit and control instruments .
该系统涵盖了化工原理课程的主要单元操作,同时介绍了相关的 设备、管件及控制 仪表的基本知识。
Application of quantum unit conversion in solar radiation measurement using Li-cor instruments
Li-cor 仪器太阳辐射测量 单位定量变换的应用研究
The importation of equipment unit industrial equipment instruments and panels categories of mechanical electric equipment spare parts metal materials and chemical industry materials .
主要 负责进口成套 设备、工程设备、 仪器仪表、各类机电产品、备品备件、金属材料和化工材料等。
Multiple unit test is in the stage of research and probe in China test scheme design and instruments development are all belong to brand new topics to design a wind speed and direction test system which meet the requirement can ensure the reliability of test data .
动车 组试验在我国处于研究探索阶段,测试方案设计及 仪器开发均属于全新课题,设计一款符合要求的风速风向测试系统保证了试验数据的可靠性。
Meanwhile the function of slave interface is to convert the data from terminal units into M-bus pulse signal according configuration of pulse increment and unit of different terminal instruments .
所设计的从机接口的功能是,按要求发送、接收数据,并将终端 仪表的数字信号转化成 M-BUS电平信号。
The ramp voltage less than 0 . 5V will be displayed after amplification . The circuit can be used as display unit for various electrochemical instruments .
小于0.5伏的三角波电压经放大后再显示,该电路可作为各种电化学 仪器的显示 单元。
Every unit is fixed on the standard cabinet post in subrack and clamp structures which makes it simple to replace the instruments speedy to introduce the new equipment configurations and convenient to maintenance and expansion .
每个 单元采用插箱、压板结构固定在标准机柜立柱上,使得 仪器更换更为简单,新设备配置的引入更加快捷,便于维修和扩展。
Sixteen fresh extracted human teeth which had been paired by their anatomic sites were divided into two groups at random . The root canals of the teeth in Group 1 were prepared with an ultrasonic unit and those of Group 2 with hand instruments .
新鲜离体的同体同名牙8对,随机分为2 组,1组用超声器械进行根管预备,另1组用手持 器械进行根管预备。
A medical treatment unit which makes up drugs must have adequate facilities instruments for examination and hygienic conditions to ensure the quality of the drugs prepared .
第十九条医疗 单位配制的制剂,必须根据临床需要并按照规定进行质量检验;合格的, 凭医生处方 使用。
[化] 单元组合仪表