Smart blobspace ( sbspace ): A sbspace is a logical storage unit composed of one or more chunks that store smart large objects .
智能blobspace(sbspace):sbspace是一个逻辑存储 单元,它由一个或更多区块组成,其中 存储智能大对象。
Using the single chamber dual thrust rocket engine explosion of gas flow temperature field simulation environment the storage unit to verify the test experiments the test unit can store a complete record of temperature data .
最后,利用单室双推力火箭发动机燃气流场模拟爆炸温度场环境,对存储测试单元性能进行了验证实验。实验结果表明, 存储测试 单元能够完整的记录温度变化的数据。
Blobspace : A blobspace is a logical storage unit composed of one or more chunks that store only TEXT and BYTE data .
blobspace:blobspace是一个逻辑存储 单元,它由一个或更多的区块组成,其中只 存储TEXT和BYTE数据。
Information interaction and sharing all need information browsing and transferring and file is basic unit of information store .
信息的融合与共享都离不开信息的浏览与传输,并且文件是信息最为原始的 存储 单元。
At present the research topics of hybrid power unit technology energy store technology and automotive integrated electric and electronic modules etc. are performed in the big automotive companies in the world .
目前世界各大汽车公司正在进行混合动力 单元技术、能量 存储技术和汽车集成电力电子模块等方面的研究。
Modeling steps : confirm design scheme model parts assemble part edit unit store and make schedule drawing .
造型过程含确定设计方案、零件造型、零件装配、编辑 零件 库、生成工程图等步骤。
CRIB : Unit used to store tooling ; a storage system for jobs that have to be machined ground inspected etc.
储存 区:用于 储存工装的 单元;用于储存未完成工件的系统。
Through subdividing the unit of flowing meticulous research does not store layer the quality and influence developed to water flooding combine numerical simulation technology seek the distribution of the surplus oil more accurately .
通过细分流动 单元,精细研究 储层非均质性及其对注水开发的影响,结合数值模拟技术,更准确地寻求剩余油的分布。
Unit 6 A Girl in Grocery Store
杂货 店的女孩
The data store control unit can realize 2.4MB/s store speed to hard disk .
数据存储控制 单元可实现2.4MB/s的数据硬盘 存储速度。
DATA HANDLING : The unit is equipped to store up to20 successive test results and export to an optional printer or to a LIMS through an RS232 port .
记录 储存最后20次试验结果,可外接打印机输出或通过 RS232与自动联用分析系统连接,联网操作。
When the environmental risk is unacceptable storage unit may be established temporarily in this landfill site to store this soil temporarily which is to be disposed of when the occasion is ripe .
当环境风险不可接受时,可以在该填埋场单独开辟临时储存 单元,对这些土壤单独临时 储存,等时机成熟时再行处理。
Design divided into three units : multi channel sampling control unit data processing unit and data store control unit . Have realized that the multi channel sampling control data compression data store control function in hard disk .
设计共分为三个单元:多通道采样控制单元、数据处理 单元和数据 存储控制单元,实现了多通道采样控制、数据压缩、数据的硬盘存储控制等功能。
The unit can acquire and store real-time parameters of string creep displacement under different temperatures and pressures providing reference for analyzing the force condition of the string optimizing string configuration and designing accessory tools .
该 装置能够实时采集并 存储温度、压力变化时的管柱受力和蠕动位移参数,可为研究分析井下管柱的受力,优化井下管柱结构和设计配套工具结构提供参考依据。
CCD array detector frame-grabber card image acquisition software constitute the image acquisition unit . The image processing software can store display process GeneChip image .
CCD面阵检测器、图像采集卡、图像采集软件构成了采集 单元,图像处理软件可实现图像的 存储、显示、处理功能。
Data temporary store unit is to store the collected data temporarily and transport them to the part of data compression .
数据暂存 单元用来暂时 存放采集到的数据且将其传送到数据处理部分。
Structured types make it easy to use data such as an address either as a single unit or as separate data items without having to store each of those items ( or attributes ) in a separate column .
结构化类型可以很轻松就将地址这样的数据用作一个独立 单元或单独的数据项,无需 将每个项(或属性) 存储到单独的列中。
The periodic inventory system is likely applied to a business that sells a variety of merchandise with low unit price such as a drugstore groceries or hardware store .
出售各种 单位价值较低的商品的企业,例如,杂货店、水果店或金属器具 商店最适于采用定期盘存制。
There is total the woodland forest store and the unit area store to raise the range above 30 % ;
有林地森林总蓄积及 单位面积 蓄积提高幅度在30%以上;
The control unit may detect and store an error during some tests .
在某些测试过程中,控制 单元可能会检测并 存储错误。
Moreover unit store 's building and quickening the process in detail design is also absolutely necessary to rapid-design .
同时说明了 产品 库的建立和加快详细设计进程也是快速设计过程中两个必不可少环节。
Economists maintain there are four functions of money : a medium of exchange a standard of deferred payment a unit of account and a store of value .
经济学家认为,货币有4种功能:交易媒介、延期支付标准、价值 尺度、以及价值 储藏 手段。
The Experimental results on a wind simulator and flywheel based system have verified that proposed energy complementary control can satisfactorily regulate the power of the storage unit to store and release energy and thus to maintain a steady DC voltage from the distributed power generation system .
实验结果证明,在风力发电和飞轮 储能联合系统的能量控制过程中使用模糊控制算法,实现了能量的快速 存储和释放,起到了稳定系统电压的作用,取得了满意的控制效果。
Storage Function ( unit : ft ) Is designed to measure the workload required to store the inventory in the warehouse .
存储函数( 单位:英尺)是用来衡量仓库中 储存货品所需要的工作量。
Design of the parametric three dimensional solid unit store
参数化三维实体 零件 库的设计
This involves encouraging the use of renminbi as a reserve currency a unit of settlement for trade and a store of value for investors in securities .
这包括鼓励使用人民币作为一种储备货币、一种结算贸易的 单位、一种证券投资者的价值 储存 手段。
Bit is also applied to a unit of memory corresponding to the ability to store the result of a choice between two alternatives .
位也被用为计算机内存的 单位,相当于对两种可能选择结果的 储存能力。
You need permission from a business partner or a different unit of the originating organization to store external Web services in the repository .
您需要从业务合作伙伴或不同的原始组织 单位获得在存储库中 存储外部Web服务的权限。
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