It designes the emulation model of brake control unit MVB interface module ARCNET interface module and CAN interface module .
开发电子制动控制模拟 单元,MVB 通信模块,ARCNET通信模块和CAN通信模块。
Hardware circuits include the circuit of level information collection control unit user interface circuits of communication with outside .
智能型超声波传感器硬件电路由液位信息采集电路、控制 单元、人机 交互 接口电路、与外部通讯接口电路四部分组成。
The research of the plan was carried out as follow : ① The communication unit and interface hardware of IED ( Intelligent Electric Device ) in TSAS was designed in detail .
针对该方案,展开了研究:①详细设计了通信 单元和TSAS中智能电子装置(IED,IntelligentElectricDevice)的 接口硬件。
SLZ & 1A Comprehensive Logging Unit Sensor Interface Branch System
SLZ&1A综合 录井 仪传感器 接口分系统
In the design of hardware platform this paper expounds design process and principle of system power decoding circuit memory unit audio interface unit peripheral communication interface unit display unit keyboard input unit simulation unit and spare interface unit .
在硬件平台的设计中,具体阐述了系统电源、系统译码电路、存储器 单元、音频 接口单元、外围通信接口单元、显示单元、键盘输入单元、仿真单元和备用接口单元的设计过程及其原理。
Main control unit exchanges information respectively with GPS positioning unit the wireless communication unit and man-machine interface unit through the serial port by employing time multiplexing technique .
主控单元通过串口的时分复用,分别与GPS定位单元、无线通信 单元、人机 接口单元进行信息交换。
Design of the CAMAC crate control unit with USB interface
带USB 接口的CAMAC机箱控制器 CCU-USB的设计
A Humidity-Testing Unit with CAN Interface Communication ICs Communications ICs
具有CAN通信 接口的湿度测量 单元
Intercomputer communications unit interface
计算机间通信 单元 接口
In terms of the requirements of the measurement and control system a proper central controller is selected I / O unit and human-computer interface are designed .
根据测控系统要求,选择合适的中央控制器,并设计了相应的输入/输出 系统和人机交互 界面。
And the structure functional unit operation interface and routing message format of Soverlay system are provided in this paper .
给出了Soverlay的体系结构、功能 单元操作 接口和路由消息格式。
A Study of Merging Unit and Secondary Interface of Digital Optic - electric Transformer
数字式光电互感器合并 单元及二次 接口的研究
Supporting setup of the parameters of COM and unit on man-machine interface such as analog variables digital variables total energy variables and telecontrol operations .
支持用户在人机 界面对 串口异步通信参数、模拟量、开关量、电度量、遥控遥调量等成员的运行参数进行设置。
· Based on the functional requirement this thesis makes out the whole structure sets down the hierarchical system structure ( include device support module unit windows management unit message management unit user interface module unit ) .
根据需求分析,制定出系统的分层式体系结构(设备支持模块、窗口管理单元、消息管理 单元、用户 界面组件单元)。
Based on these tests a matrix library was designed and implemented by combine several different matrix libraries to provide a unit interface for external calls .
在此测试的基础上考虑算法的实际需要,将几个不同的矩阵运算库结合在一起,设计并实现了一个对外有 统一调用 接口的矩阵运算库。
A muti-channel data acquisition based on dual integration A / D converter is designed using CPLD the crux . The implementation of sampling controller unit counter unit and serial interface output unit is detailed introduced .
利用CPLD作为 控制核心,设计一个基本双积分A/D转换器件的多路数据采集系统,详细分析A/D采样控制模块、计数 模块、 串口数据发送模块的实现。
Presented is the structure and functions of display application software for colored LCD diagnosis unit with MVB interface on microcomputer controlled electric locomotive . Also expounded are the design essentials taking an example of 200 km / h power concentrated EMU on Guang shen line .
介绍了微机控制电力机车上带MVB 接口的彩色液晶显示诊断 单元的显示应用软件结构、功能,并以广深线的动力集中式200km/h电动旅客列车组为例,阐述了该软件的设计要点。
This designation includes not only the type selection for control unit human-machine interface and servo motor the designation for circuit diagram and programs but also the installation and debugging for electric element . 5 .
包括了控制 单元、人机 界面和伺服单元的选型,电路图的设计和控制程序的编写等,也包括电气元件的安装与调试。
The hardware section is divided by module into : microphone array signal preprocessing unit data acquisition unit data process unit display unit data storage unit and PC interface unit .
采用模块化设计,将硬件部分划分为七个子模块单元:麦克风阵列、信号预处理单元、数据采集单元、数据处理单元、显示单元、数据存储 单元和上位机 接口单元。
They together integrate all the functions of AC input unit digital input unit communication unit operation circuit unit and human-machine interface unit .
三个插件板集成了交流量输入单元、开关量输入单元、通讯单元、操作回路 单元、 人机 对话单元的所有功能。
Design of display application software for colored LCD diagnosis unit with MVB interface
MVB 接口彩色液晶显示诊断 单元的显示应用软件设计
The control unit interface of NC machine tool is an important part for man-machine conversation whose design quality directly effects the study and working efficiency of users .
数控机床控制 单元 界面是人机交互的主要部位,其设计质量直接影响用户的学习和使用效率。
System software is composed of graphical interface of the command and control unit communication interface between command and control unit and central unit communication interface between central unit and peripheral units command interface between peripheral units and armament .
系统软件包括指控 单元绘图、指控和中央单元间通信、中央单元和外设单元间通信、外设与军备间指令等 界面。
The system is composed of intelligent control center and automation unit . Interface RS 232 was used to interchange dada between these two parts .
系统分为智能监控中心和自动控制 单元两级,采用RS-232 接口将这两级结构 连接,实现二者之间的数据交换。
The system structure and functions are presented firstly . The design and implementation of communication control unit media processing unit and interface between dual processors are focused . Finally the software architecture is introduced .
首先提出了系统组成与功能结构,着重探讨了系统通信控制单元、媒体处理 单元,以及双处理器 接口的设计与实现,文中还介绍了系统软件结构。
By means of this software system NC machining code can be generated automatically according to the parameters of gear to be machined and input into the CNC unit through RS232 interface . ( 5 ) Internal gear form grinding process is analyzed and researched .
该软件还能根据待加工齿轮参数自动生成加工代码,由RS232 接口传入数控机床并保存在程序 存储器中。(5)分析研究了内齿轮成形磨削工艺。
Implementation of mixed DLL in the unit of memory interface with 0.35 μ m CMOS technology
用0.35μMCMOS工艺实现存储 接口 单元中的数模混合DLL
A design method about the interface software in view of SCR file between Auto CAD and high-level language to realize the automatic transformation is introduced . It falls into three main parts namely the basic interface software the unit interface software and the practical interface software .
本文分成基本接口软件、 单元 接口软件、辅助接口软件和应用软件。介绍了基于·SCR文本方式设计AUTOCAD与高级语言接口软件的方法,以及实现二者之间的自动转换手段。
The control unit interface design of NC machine tool
数控机床控制 单元 界面设计
美[ˈjunɪt ˈɪntɚˌfes]英[ˈju:nit ˈintəfeis]