


  • Effect of porcine zona pellucida antibody on ovarian function


  • The association of prostitutes of Bahia State has won government permission for the project enabling FM station radio zona to start broadcasting in the second half of the year Project Coordinator Sandro Correia said .

    计划协调人山卓柯瑞亚表示,巴伊亚州妓女协会已得到政府许可进行这项计划, 若娜调频电台将在今年下半年开始播放节目。

  • The tumor is bright yellow and grossly resembles zona fasciculata seen in the specimen .

    在标本中肿瘤呈明黄色并且类似松散的 束状带。

  • Construction and Purification of Recombinant Adenovirus with Porcine Zona Pellucida 3 α Gene


  • Preliminary separation and purification of porcine zona pellucida antigen of ovum


  • Zona pellucida ( ZP ) is a potential target antigen which is used to develop a progestational contraceptive vaccine .


  • Affinity chromatography column was prepared by coupling of porcine zona pellucida antibody to Sepharose 4B and used to isolate porcine zona pellucida antigens . Some factors affecting the preparation and isolation were studied .

    本实验用猪 透明带抗体与Sepharose4B偶联制备亲和层析柱,并用于分离猪卵透明带抗原,并对影响制备和分离的一些因素进行了研究。

  • Boar sperm lectin ( BSL ) located on the sperm head has been found to bind to both the sperm proteins and the zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP3 .

    猪精子凝集素(BSL)位于精子头部,既与精子蛋白结合,亦与 透明带糖蛋白ZP3结合。

  • A preliminary research on the preparation of hybridoma from porcine zona pellucida antigen

    对猪 透明 抗原杂交瘤制备的初步研究猪 透明 的分离和提纯

  • And the zona reticularis cells occurred in the subcapsula or in the medulla .

    有时 网状 细胞可见于被膜下或髓质内。

  • PURPOSE To observe the influence of the monoclonal antibody to porcine zona pellucida on human sperm-egg binding .

    在于观察猪 透明带单克隆抗体对人精卵结合的影响。

  • Human zona pellucida protein and peptides have obtained for reproductive research by gene-recombination technology .

    分子生物学研究者利用基因工程技术重组人 透明带蛋白及其肽段,以期为生殖研究带来新的前景。

  • Preparation of recombinant human zona pellucida 3 protein and its immunologic activity

    重组人 透明带蛋白3的制备及其免疫学活性分析

  • Zona reticularis is responsible for glucocorticoid and sex hormone synthesis .

    网状 负责合成糖皮质激素和性激素。

  • The secretory cells of the zona fasciculata in the adrenal gland .

    肾上腺皮质 束状 的内分泌细胞。

  • Soluble expression purification and immunoreactive identification of mouse zona pellucida 3 fusion protein

    小鼠 ZP3蛋白的可溶性表达、纯化及免疫活性鉴定

  • The ultrastructure changes of zona reticularis cells in rat adrenal cortex were observed 24 h after the final administration .

    最后一次给药后24h,断头处死,取肾上腺行电镜观察皮质 网状 细胞超微结构的改变。

  • Objective : To investigate the empty zona pellucida for use in the cryopreservation of human sperm .

    目的:探讨空 透明带作贮存载体冷冻保存少量人类精子。

  • The thickening of the fetal sheep adrenal cortex was the result of increasing of the zona fasciculata .

    8小尾寒羊胎儿肾上腺皮质的光镜和透射电镜观察说明,胎儿期肾上腺皮质增厚主要是由于皮质中 束状 增长的结果。

  • Study of zona pellucida dilating assisted method for mouse oocyte enucleation

    小鼠卵母细胞 透明带膨胀辅助去核方法的研究

  • Outside the grounds in Punta Cana one can also find activities such as zip lines horseback riding and day trips to see the Zona Colonial ( Colonial Zone ) a Unesco World Heritage site .

    度假村之外的蓬塔卡纳也能找到很多活动,比如高空滑索、骑马以及殖民区( ColonialZone)一日游。该殖民区是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产地之一。

  • Cloning of Murine Zona Pellucida 3 cDNA and Its Expressing in Prokaryotic Cell

    透明 3cDNA的克隆及其在原核细胞中表达的研究

  • Objective To construct a prokaryotic recombinant vector of human zona pellucida 3 protein and to detect its expression in E.

    目的构建人 细胞ZP3蛋白的原核重组载体并进行表达和鉴定。

  • Fit for curing anus eczema infantile eczema Chapped skin burn zona bleb and etc.

    五倍子可用于肛门湿疹,婴儿湿疹,皮肤皲裂,烧伤, 带状疱疹等。

  • A method for preparation of bull sperm chromosome using interspecific in vitro fertilization with free zona golden hamster eggs was reported .

    透明 金黄地鼠卵异种体外受精技术制备了牛精子单倍染色体。

  • All the oocytes are surrounded by zona pellucida and follicular cells .

    外周为 透明带和卵泡细胞。

  • Identification and comparison of the variety expression of recombinant human zona pellucida-3


  • The three zones of adrenal cortex from capsule inwards : zona glomerulosa zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis ? can be seen here .

    肾上腺的三个区带来自于脏层被膜:球状带、 束状带、网状带-可以被看到!

  • The paper reviews the constitution molecular structure biological function and application of zona pellucida in male fertilization .

    本文就 透明带的组成、分子结构、生物学功能及其在男性生育领域的应用进行综述。

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of freezing-thawing on the zona pellucida ( ZP ) of embryos .

    目的评价冻融过程对胚胎 透明带的影响。