


  • That will strengthen the zloty further ;

    这会使 兹罗提 更加 坚挺

  • Currencies such as Poland 's zloty and the Bulgarian lev also are up against the dollar since May while India 's rupee and Turkey 's lira have slid to record lows .


  • Poland joined the EU in May 2004 and surging exports to the EU contributed to Poland s strong growth in 2004 though its competitiveness could be threatened by the zloty s appreciation .

    波兰在2005年5月加入欧盟,2004年波兰强有力的增长对欧盟的出口产生冲击,虽然它的竞争力可能受到 波兰 货币 汇率 影响

  • An increasing number of traders are looking to avoid betting on leading currencies and invest in exotic currencies such as the Polish zloty Hungarian Forint and Czech Koruna according to spread betting analysts .

    据价差交易分析师称,越来越多的交易员正试图避免押注于主要货币,转而投资于“罕见币种”,例如波兰 兹罗 、匈牙利福林和捷克克朗。

  • The business has been hurt by the recent fall in the value of the zloty but the overall effects of the crisis have been generally positive by lowering the price of milk and other locally sourced raw materials which had rocketed last year .

    他的业务受到最近 兹罗 贬值 影响,但经济危机的影响总体而言是正面的,它降低了牛奶及其它从本土购买的原材料的价格。去年,这些材料的价格曾一路飙升。

  • The more the Polish zloty or Hungarian florint sicken the worse the euro will feel .


  • Mr. Birkeland said he expects the zloty to get a lift as Germany buys more Polish goods .

    他说,随着德国买进更多波兰商品,预计 兹罗 将获得提振。

  • The sell-off also hit currencies seen as more robust with the Mexican peso down 0.8 per cent and the Polish zloty down 0.7 per cent .

    这股抛售潮也波及了被视为比较坚挺的新兴市场货币,墨西哥比索下跌0.8%,波兰 兹罗提下跌0.7%。

  • That will strengthen the zloty further ; it has risen against the euro .

    这会使 兹罗提更加 坚挺兹罗 波兰 货币 单位 名称)兑欧元的汇率已经上升。