

  • It was easier to campaign against occupation by the Zionist enemy than by their Arab brethren .

    这样比起依靠他们的阿拉伯兄弟来,他们能更容易反抗犹太 国军的占领。

  • He blamed American or Zionist conspiracies or a fifth column in Libya working at their behest for every little setback his country suffered .

    他咒骂美国和 犹太 复国 主义阴谋家或者是接受他们命令在利比亚活动的一支“第五纵队”将之作为本国受到的每一丝挫折的根源。

  • Born in Jerusalem their father Ben was briefly a member of the Irgun a Zionist paramilitary group in British-mandated Palestine .

    三兄弟的父亲本出生于耶路撒冷,曾有一段时间加入了英国统治巴勒斯坦时期 犹太 复国 主义组织伊尔根。

  • Ahmadinejad said in a speech : We will soon see a new Middle East materialising without America and the Zionist regime and there will be no room for world arrogance in it .

    内贾德发表讲话说:“我们将很快看到一个新的中东物化如果没有美国和犹太 复国 主义政权,就没有世界在它的傲慢的空间。”

  • Almost everybody 's source of information in1991 was the Zionist news reports so the Zionists had nearly total control of the population .

    几乎所有人在1991年的信息来源都是以色列 复国 主义 的新闻报导,所以他们差不多完全控制了所有公民。

  • We are standing firm over the issue that both the Zionist regime and the United States should be disarmed .

    我们坚定地要求 犹太 复国 主义政权和美国解除核武。

  • Zionist Women 's Organizatio Organizational Structure and Job Design Unit

    犹太 复国 主义妇女组织组织结构和职务定义股

  • Nobody could accuse him of letting fly from a position of ignorance . He had been an ardent teenage Zionist working as an interpreter during the six-day war of 1967 .

    没有人能够抓到他懈怠的把柄,朱蒂先生曾经是一个热情而年轻的 犹太主义 ,曾在1967年的六日之战中担任翻译员的职务。

  • This is not a surprise the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel .

    这不是一件奇怪的事, 犹太 复国 主义 支持对无辜的犹太人们的屠杀的整个意图是要把幸存者们惊吓到相信,他们的唯一安全之地是以色裂。

  • Mr Netanyahu thinks the Zionist mission was to give the Jewish people control over their destiny .

    内塔尼亚胡相信犹太 复国 主义的使命就是让犹太民族控制自己的命运。

  • Several of us survived to tell the story of this indelible blemish carved in the pages of Zionist history .

    幸存下来的人都记住了这段 犹太 复国 主义历史上不可磨灭的污点。

  • While in Japan Owada was responsible for shutting down magazines and blacklisting journalists on behalf of his Zionist slave masters .

    小和田代表他的 犹太 复国 主义奴隶的主人负责关停杂志,并将记者的名字列入黑名单。

  • Every passing day will now be seen as a humiliation for Mr Obama while the fragmented and shambolic Syrian opposition will be more credibly dubbed American stooges or Zionist agents .

    从现在起,过去的每一天对奥巴马来说都会是一种耻辱,而四分五裂、乱作一团的叙利亚反对派将更容易被人视为美国的走狗,或 犹太 复国 运动的掮客。

  • After World War II the most prominent terrorist organizations in Middle East were Yier Gong and Stern help in the Zionist movement .

    二战后,中东最突出的恐怖组织有 犹太 复国运动中的“伊尔贡”和“斯特恩帮”。

  • The alternative he added is to allow things to deteriorate to the point where the whole Zionist project is in jeopardy .

    他补充道,另一个办法是让事情恶化, 直到整个 犹太 复国项目陷入危险的地步。

  • But when a Zionist historian thus slurs over something the seeker after knowledge may be fairly sure that the root of the matter may by perseverance be found .

    但是,当犹太 复国 主义历史学家,因此辱骂超过一些导引头后,知识可以相当肯定的根源,这个问题可借毅力找到。

  • I 'm speaking from the left I belong to the Zionist left .

    我以我所属的左派身份说, 复国 左派。

  • The limited funds of the Zionist movement made it unable to afford such a policy on a massive scale though some steps in that direction were taken .

    虽然已经采取了一些步骤,但 犹太 复国 主义的有限的资金不可能承受得起一个如此大规模的计划政策。

  • He was an ardent Zionist .

    他是 犹太 复国 运动的热情支持者。

  • Among the Zionist leaders this is taken one hundred percent seriously .


  • State of the Zionist gangs

    犹太 复国 主义匪帮国家

  • But in any case that is only one way of thinking of the Zionist mission .

    不管怎么说,这只是对 犹太 复国 主义使命的一种看法。

  • Women 's Zionist Organization of America

    美国 犹太 复国 主义妇女组织

  • Already the Americans and the Zionist dogs have .

    美国人和那些 犹太狗们。

  • His vocal support of the Zionist cause however was duly recognized in1952 when he was offered the presidency of Israel .

    然而,他对 犹太 复国 主义事业的口头支持在1952年被及时承认,其时他被推荐为以色列的总统。

  • Iran 's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali khamenei blamed what he called a zionist conspiracy .

    伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊谴责他所称的“ 犹太主义 阴谋”。