urinary bladder

[ˈjʊrəˌnɛri ˈblædɚ][ˈjʊərəˌneri: ˈblædə]


  • We report a case of primary malignant melanoma of the urinary bladder with MR imaging .

    本文报告一罕见之 膀胱原发性恶性黑色素瘤病例在磁振造影上之表现。

  • Sacrum-Hip bones buttocks rectum sex organs genitalia urinary bladder ureter prostate .

    臀部骨胳,臀部,直肠,性器官,生殖器, 膀胱,输尿管,前列腺。

  • We have presented the CT and MR imaging features of a case of malignant paraganglioma of the urinary bladder .

    在此我们报告一例发生在 膀胱的恶性副神经节瘤在电脑断层及磁振造影之影像。

  • Bilateral hydronephrosis occurs from lesions within the urinary bladder or prostate such as nodular prostatic hyperplasia or a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder .

    双侧肾盂积水发生于 膀胱或前列腺的病变,如膀胱移行细胞癌或前列腺增生。

  • ABM To improve the treatment of non-epithelial tumor of urinary bladder .

    目的提高 膀胱非上皮性肿瘤的诊治效果。

  • T12-Small intestine lymph circulation large intestine urinary bladder uterus kidneys ileocecal valve .

    小肠,淋巴循环,大肠, 输尿管,子宫,肾脏,回盲瓣。

  • Of or relating to a normal cyst ( as the gallbladder or urinary bladder ) .

    属于常规囊(如 膀胱或胆囊),或与之有关。

  • Provides medical and surgical treatment to patients with disorders of the kidney urinary bladder and urethra and treats disorders of the male sex organs .

    向患有肾病、 膀胱和尿道疾病的患者提供医学和手术治疗,以及治疗男性生殖器官疾病。

  • Polyps most often occur in the nose urinary bladder and digestive tract especially in the rectum and colon .

    息肉通常出现在鼻腔、 膀胱及消化到,特别是直肠和结肠。

  • The long narrow duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder or cloaca .

    输尿管把尿液从肾脏中传输到 膀胱或排泄腔的长而窄的导管。

  • We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis cystica and chronic metaplasia of the urinary bladder .

    我们报告一个骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并囊状膀胱炎及慢性 膀胱化生的病例。

  • Applicable for stones in kidney renal pelvis urinary bladder and ureter .

    用于肾结石,肾盂结石, 膀胱结石,输尿管结石。

  • Urinary Bladder Kidney and Stomach meridians ;


  • Feline idiopathic cystitis ( FIC ) literally means an inflammation of the urinary bladder in cats of unknown origin .

    依字面解释,猫自发性膀胱炎(FIC)是一种不明原因引起的猫 膀胱发炎。