On-chip multiply / divide unit ( MDU ); precise exception handling .
包括片上乘除处理 单元( MDU);
For some exceptions the CPU control unit also generates a hardware error code and pushes it on the Kernel Mode stack before starting the exception handler .
对每个异常,CPU控制 单元也生成一个硬件错误码,并在开始 执行处理函数前将其压入内核空间栈中。
No matter be the office of Party and goverment officials enterprise or business still the office of the unit has no exception .
无论是党政机关的办公室,还是企事业 单位的办公室 概莫能外。
Every test framework needs to supply you with a method to check the outcome of a unit test and the DOH is no exception .
每个测试框架都要为开发人员提供检查 单元测试结果的方法,DOH也不 例外。
Before dealing with that instruction the control unit checks whether an interrupt or an exception occurred while the control unit executed the previous instruction .
在执行这个指令之前,控制 单元检查在它执行前一条指令时,是否有中断或 异常产生。
The last step performed by the control unit is equivalent to a jump to the interrupt or exception handler .
控制 单元进行的最后一步等同于跳到中断或 异常处理函数。
Divide pipeline control unit into different modules which includes Forwarding HDU Exception and so on .
按照功能将流水线控制 部分划分了不同模块,然后按照 自顶向下的思想进行了该部分的设计与实现。
The article is the basic unit and foundation of the laws with no exception of the criminal law .
条文是构成任何法律的基本 单位,也是任何法律的基础,刑法 自然 不能 例外。
A unit test that contains no assert statement automatically passes as long as it does not time out and does not throw an unexpected exception .
不包含assert语句的 单元测试只要不超时,并且不引发意外的 异常,就会自动通过。
Finally to achieve serial communications of the oil pumping unit and fault exception handling of intelligent energy-saving system this paper has done some work for hardware and software .
最后,为实现 抽油 机的串口通信,以及智能节能系统的故障 异常处理作了一些软硬件的工作。
美[ˈjunɪt ɪkˈsɛpʃən]英[ˈju:nit ikˈsepʃən]