China are now unprovided with the techniques to launch the missile to hit U2 from america .
中国现在 缺乏发射 自己的导弹击落美国u2 侦察 机的技术。
Unprovided with original learning unformed in the habits of thinking unskilled in the arts of composition I resolved – to write a book .
既 未有独创性的学问、未养成思考的习惯、 未谙熟作文的技巧,我 因而下 定了决心&要写一本书。
Left his family unprovided for .
使他的家庭 失去 生活 来源的。
And as for the second the doctor staked his wig that camped where they were in the marsh and unprovided with remedies the half of them would be on their backs before a week .
至于天气,大夫以他的假发打赌,他们在沼泽地露营,又 没有 带 药品,不出一星期,他们 至少会有一半 病倒。
His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will .
他在 遗嘱中没有给他的未婚姐妹留下 财产。