An unrecoverable processor error has been encountered .
遇到了 无法 恢复的处理器错误。
The main reason is that cumulative pore pressure and unrecoverable structural failure has been caused in the clay .
主要原因是 循环 荷载使软粘土 内部产生累积孔隙水压力和 不 可 恢复的结构性破坏。
There is an unrecoverable disk error on file 04 00 .
文件 0400有 无法 恢复的磁盘错误。
An IMS / VS facility that allows the user to define inquiry transactions as unrecoverable .
虚拟 存储信息管理系统( IMS/VS)的一种功能,允许用户把查询事项定义 成 不 可 恢复的。
Long-time compression may result in unrecoverable disc failure .
持续长时压缩可造成 关节盘 内部 构筑 不 可 复 性 改变。
An unrecoverable error occured . The dialog will be terminated .
发生了一个 不 可 恢复的错误。对话将被终止。
Orphaned objects are undesirable as they use unrecoverable system resources .
孤儿对象由于使用 不 可 恢复的系统资源往往不受欢迎。
An unrecoverable Directory Services error has occurred . Contact your network administrator .
目录服务 出现 无法 恢复的错误。请与网络管理员联系。
If there is no isolation the voltage could damage the normal transmission of signal or cause system collapse even cause unrecoverable damage on hardware .
如果不采取任何隔离措施,此电压可能会破坏信号的正常传输或导致系统的崩溃,甚至造成硬件上 不 可 恢复的毁坏。
The technology might preserve organs such as the kidneys liver and pancreas after withdrawal of life support and cardiac death in people with unrecoverable neurologic impairment .
这项技术可以保护,从 发生 不 可逆 性脑损伤,撤除生命支持,以生心源性死亡的病人 取出的器官,例如,肾脏,肝,胰腺等。
Differential of total strain along specimen length is composed of recoverable elastic part and unrecoverable plastic part .
沿试样长度方向的总应变的微分被认为由两部分构成:可恢复的弹性应变的微分和 不 可 恢复的塑性应变的微分。
An unrecoverable error has occurred . You must click ' Cancel ' to close this property dialog and reopen before you can continue .
发生 不 可 恢复的错误。您必须单击取消关闭此属性对话框并重新打开,才能继续。
New extraction techniques most notably hydraulic fracturing or fracking and horizontal drilling have unlocked huge hydrocarbon resources previously thought unrecoverable .
新型采掘技术最知名的是水力压裂(hydraulicfracturing)和水平钻探使得以前被认为 无法 开采的巨大碳氢化合物资源 变得可以 开采。
Risky financial ventures will result in unrecoverable losses .
冒险的投资会导致 无法 弥补的损失。
BofA saw its first quarter-on-quarter decline in net charge-offs loans that banks consider unrecoverable in nearly four years while its provision for credit losses was also lower in the fourth quarter than in the previous three months .
美银的净销帐银行认为 无法 收回的贷款出现近四年来首次季度环比下降。该行第四季度的信贷亏损拨备也低于前三个月。
Risky financial ventures will result in unrecoverable losses . Don 't push your luck with authority .
冒险的金融投资会带来 无法 弥补的损失;
The debt is unrecoverable because of natural disasters war and other force majeure ; or .
因自然灾害、战争等不可抗力 导致 无法 收回的;
The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems .
卷似乎含有至少一个不 可 恢复的问题。
The backup information of the component : % 1 is missing . Uninstall can not continue otherwise the system could be at the unrecoverable state .
组件%1的备份信息丢失。除非系统能工作在 不 可 恢复状态,否则卸载程序无法继续执行。
If one physical disk dies the linear volume is generally unrecoverable .
如果一个物理磁盘报废,线性卷通常 不 可 恢复。
Unrecoverable errors & The request must be returned to the client .
不 可 恢复错误:请求必须返回给客户端。
Document Management server could not be contacted or an unrecoverable error occured during the processing of request .
无法联系文档管理服务器或处理请求时出现 无法 恢复的错误。
The wide coexistence of swift movements large deformations unrecoverable breakages and energy exchange processes will make this process much more complicated .
整个过程复杂 多变,运动、变形、破坏及能量交换等多因素并存。
Software products that overwrite deleted files making them unrecoverable are readily available commercially .
覆盖被删文件并使其 不 可 还原的软件产品,从商业上来说也是有效可行的。
Migration halted due to unrecoverable errors or canceled by user .
迁移暂停,因为 出现 不 可 恢复的错误,或者用户已取消该操作。
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error . Sorry but this error is unrecoverable .
抱歉,不能持续,由于硬件或系统错误,但是,此错误是 不能 恢复的。
The backup device reported an unrecoverable hardware error .
备份设备报告 无法 恢复的硬件错误。
An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize node information .
同步节点信息时,出现了一个 不 可 恢复的错误。