I find myself under what seems to be unrelenting stress and pressure .
我发现自己在工作中 承受的压力似乎是 无法 减轻的。
The unrelenting violence and dirty play has marked the first round of the playoffs .
决赛的第一局充斥着 不断的暴力和不公平竞争。
I answered yes and he became an unrelenting sleuth .
我回答说“是的”,于是他就成了一名 不屈不挠的“侦探”。
In the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism the task seemed overwhelming .
在强烈的反对和 毫不留情的批评声中,这个任务似乎让人难以招架。
The words fell unrelenting on his ears .
冷酷无情的话 传到他的耳里来。
Her unrelenting efforts made the project a success .
她 坚持不懈 地努力使计划获得了成功。
Wind and rain are no strangers to Massachusetts but this rain was torrential and unrelenting .
刮风下雨对马萨诸塞州人是 司空见惯的,但这一次 却是 风狂雨骤。
Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission .
敌人冷酷无情 / 石 心肠,我们要么英勇奋战,要么屈膝投降。
He now believes the culprit was unrelenting exercise .
他现在认为 无 休止的运动是这一切的罪魁祸首。
Unrelenting self-criticism often goes hand in hand with anxiety and it may even predict depression .
无 休止的自我批评通常会带来焦虑,甚至会导致抑郁症。
She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness
她 坚定 地树立起自己绝对的权威。
I have fully researched and considered the implications of applying to law school and I 'm certain that my unrelenting diligence and strong work ethic will aid me in my pursuit of a law degree .
我已经做了很深入的研究,也知道进去法学院对我来说意味着 些什么,而我坚信我 坚持不懈的努力和我的良好的职业道德会帮助我在法学院的学习。
The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle unwavering in loyalty unmatched in honor and decency .
我国的志愿军人在战场上 英勇 无畏, 坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。
The unrelenting drought has boosted southern China 's demand for cloud seeding rockets .
I want to pass his unrelenting efforts and confidence in the future become a calligrapher or writer .
我想通过自己 百 折 不 饶的努力和自信心在 不久的将来成为一个书法家或作家。
He lectures with a prolonged unrelenting stare which gives an unnatural feel to his delivery .
他讲演时两眼长时间 冷冷 地凝视着,这使人觉得他的演说有一种做作感。
She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination .
她将作为一名反种族歧视 不屈不挠的斗士被记念。
I think you 'd call the play a melodrama-it 's full of unrequited love unhappy deaths and unrelenting parents .
我想你该把这个戏称作情节剧它充满了单恋、不幸的死亡和 铁石心肠的父母。
A long-simmering economic crisis has erupted gripping the country in a fierce and unrelenting embrace .
长期发酵的经济危机终于爆发, 暴烈 地, 不可抗拒 地将这个国家揽入怀中。
Unrelenting hot weather in most of the country depressed shoppers'appetite for fall clothing .
大多数地区 持续的热天气,压制了购物者对秋衣的需求。
The government 's efforts to solve the conflict would be unrelenting said the president .
总统说,政府解决冲突的努力将会是 适 矢志不渝的。
His writings demonstrated an unrelenting strength of life through the portrayal of uninhabited romantic atmosphere .
他的小说在粗犷的浪漫主义氛围中,呈现出 不屈的生命力量。
Unless you feel an overwhelming unrelenting resentment toward your baby you 'll soon grow into your new role as a mother and do the best you can ( which is what most new parents do ) .
除非对你的孩子感觉到一种巨大的、 不可 缓和的怨恨,你将很快地适应作为母亲的这个新角色,尽你的全量去做到最好(大多数新父母都这么做)。
Unrelenting rain and continuing landslides have left many roads in the region too damaged to use she adds .
她补充说道,持续的暴雨和 山体滑坡导致前往灾区的多个路段受阻。
This time the chase would be long and hard and unrelenting .
这一次的追踪将是长期的、艰难的、 不屈不挠的。
Born in India Tito learned to communicate through his mother 's unrelenting efforts .
第托出生于印度,由于母亲的 锲而不舍而学会了沟通。
And these drivers are creating unrelenting pressure to get the business solution to market quickly .
这些驱动因素对加快业务解决方案的 面市产生了 巨大的压力。
This time our chase will be unrelenting .
这一次我们将追踪 到底。