In addition to limited disclosure unregistered shares offer a quicker way to raise capital .
除了不必过多披露外, 非 注册股票还提供了更快的筹资速度。
One day when his wife is out walking Cala a policeman confiscates the unregistered canine .
有一天,当他的妻子外出散步卡拉,警察没收 未 登记的犬。
Lili : The metro card is unregistered so you have to apply for a new one .
丽丽:卡是 不 记名的。你得再重新办一张。
This method is called when the logger is unregistered from the engine after all events are raised .
如果从引擎中 注销该记录器,将在引发所有事件后调用该方法。
The unregistered real estate shall not be transferred .
未 经 登记的房地产不得转让。
A file system can also be unregistered .
也可以 注销文件系统。
He 's an unregistered resident in beijing .
他在北京 没 户口。
With approval from the MOH unregistered pharmaceuticals can also be introduced at a conference .
由卫生部批准, 未 注册的药品,也可以在一个投资会议。
Locals also tell us the mine used unregistered workers : they wouldn 't show up on any list .
本地人告诉我们矿井使用 未 登记的工人,他们不在任何名单上。
An unregistered trademark ; an unregistered mortgage .
未 注册的商标;未登记的抵押。
The ownership of an unregistered building and of the land use right shall be determined on the basis of the approval document for the land use right and other relevant evidence as well .
未 登记的建筑物和土地使用权,依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属。
Once subscribers have been notified all subscribers flagged as unregistered from the subscriber map are removed .
一旦对关注者进行了一次消息通知,映射中所有被标记为 未 注册的关注者都会被删除掉。
Unregistered layout-designs are not protected under the Regulations .
未 经 登记的布图设计不受本条例保护。
On the Legal Protection of the Unregistered Trademarks under the Principle of the Register ;
论注册原则下 未 注册商标的法律保护商标 注册是很 复杂的。
An infringement notice is immediately issued if the vehicle is found to be unregistered .
如果车被发现 未 登记,立刻发出违反通知。
The investors were sophisticated ( on paper at least ) and the securities unregistered reducing underwriter liability .
投资者是老练的(至少名义上是这样)与证券 不 属于 监管 范围,都减轻了承销商的责任。
All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners .
其他所有注册和 未 注册商标,这是唯一的各自所有者的财产。
As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential .
这是商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外条款,其目的是对有一定影响的 未 注册商标进行保护。
Listeners can be registered ( or unregistered ) with the MemoryMXBean at any time during the VM life cycle .
侦听器可以在虚拟机生命周期的任何时候注册(或 取消 注册)到MemoryMXBean上。
The scale of the unregistered dealing was not significant ;
未 经 注册而进行的交易的规模不大;
Raw heparin is derived from pig intestines often processed by small unregistered businesses in China .
肝素生料提取自猪肠,通常由一些小的、 未 注册的中国公司来处理。
This situation is generally indicative of a bug & that a listener was registered but not unregistered and then was registered again .
这种情况通常是bug的迹象&侦听器登记了,但是没有 取消 登记,然后再次登记。
Use the unregistered version as long as you wish .
你可以随意使用 未 注册版本。
The action cannot be unregistered because it is being used within one or more activity models .
不能 注销该操作,因为一个或多个活动模型正在进行该操作。
The total number of unregistered shares issued ;
无 记名股票的发行总数;
C hinese trademark law protects unregistered well-know trademarks but the protect ion of common unregistered trademarks should be improved in our country .
我国商标法已将 未 注册的有一定影响的商标和驰名商标纳入保护 范围,但普通的未注册商标的保护水平尚需要提高。
You cannot browse for and add unregistered COM components to the toolbox regardless of your level of permissions .
不管权限级别如何,您都无法浏览并向“工具箱”中添加 未 注册的com组件。