Females may not appear unshaven in public .
女性不可以未 修面 就出现在公共 场合。
If he is unshaven and wearing pajamas under his raincoat he is an eccentric mogul perhaps a Mafia kingpin . Put on your overcoat it 's cold outside .
如果他 留着 胡子、穿着睡衣、外面 还套着雨衣,那就是一个特立独行的大人物, 没准是黑手党首脑。穿上大衣,外边冷。
He is ridiculously tall ( 6 ft 8 ) is wearing flip flops has dark hair with streaks of grey and is unshaven .
他高得离谱(6英尺8英寸),穿着拖鞋,深色的头发 中间 杂着几缕灰白,没有 刮 胡子。
Females are strictly forbidden to appear unshaven in public .
严禁妇女 没有 剃 毛 就出现于公共 场所。
He arrived somewhat rumpled and unshaven .
他到了,有点衣冠不整, 胡子 也 没有 刮。
His hair was very short but his cheeks were unshaven .
他头发很短, 没有 刮脸。
He looked unshaven shabby and down-and-out .
他看上去 胡子 拉碴、衣衫褴褛、穷困潦倒。
These can include unsavoury bodily functions such as breaking windin front of an other half nose picking or letting armpits go unshaven .
比如,当着对方的面放屁、挖鼻子,或 不 刮腋毛。
The man was jowly unshaven balding .
那个男人长着双下巴, 胡子 拉碴,快要谢顶了。
He was unshaven and dressed in crumpled clothes .
他没有 刮脸,穿着皱巴巴的衣服。
He had three days ' stubble on his unshaven face .
他因三天 未刮脸而 留下 满脸 胡子茬。
Perhaps he is sloppy therefore unshaven .
也许,他 应该 看起来很邋遢, 连 胡子 也 没 刮。
He was unshaven and badly needed a haircut .
他没 刮脸,头发也 实需要剪一剪了。
Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux ( W.H.Auden )
满脸 胡须的马夫们大口痛饮着上等葡萄酒( W.H.奥登)
Deadliest Catch is perhaps America 's major portal into the world of Alaskan crab fishing : The unshaven nicotine-stained men out braving the stormy Pacific to bring us hunks of fresh crustacean .
记录片《致命捕捞》也许是了解阿拉斯加州捕蟹世界的主要入口: 不 刮 胡子、满身带有尼古丁痕迹的男人们,勇敢地来到太平洋的暴风骤雨中,给我们带来丰厚而又新鲜的甲壳类海产品。
His hair was disheveled and his face was unshaven and gray .
他头发凌乱, 没 刮 胡子,脸色苍白。
I can 't bear a man 's unshaven face across the table .
我不能忍受一个 没有 刮脸的男人 坐在桌子对面。