They have pulled out patients ' teeth unnecessarily
他们毫无 必要 地拔掉了病人的牙。
In my opinion the problem is misusing the authority and using it unnecessarily .
问题在于误用权威和在 不 必要 的 时候使用权威。
Our behaviour which unnecessarily pushes up prices will inadvertently cause malnutrition and outright starvation in poor countries .
我们的行为 不 必要 地推高了价格,无意之间也将在贫穷国家导致营养不良现象和严重饥荒。
It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily
无谓 地 燃起人们的希望是愚蠢的。
This can improve application performance by avoiding the garbage collector unnecessarily shrinking the heap .
这可以避免垃圾收集器对堆进行 不 必要的收缩,从而改善应用程序性能。
Cell delay variation is not controlled in this service although admitted cells are not delayed unnecessarily .
在这项业务中,信元延时变化不受控制,尽管得到承认的信元并没有 不 必要的延时。
Why worry unnecessarily ?
你何必 过虑?
I don 't want to invade your private life unnecessarily .
我不想过 多地干涉你的 私生活。
The decision by the headmaster was called in question by some of the teachers who thought it unnecessarily harsh .
有些教师对校长的决定存有异议,他们认为 没有 必要 那么严厉。
Personally I think that routines have an unnecessarily bad reputation .
就个人而言,我认为常规 不 必得一个坏名声。
You 're taking an unnecessarily pessimistic view of a sensitive situation now .
目前你对一个敏感的情况持有一个 不 必要的悲观看法。
Do not exert yourself unnecessarily .
不要做 无谓的努力。
Otherwise you 're wasting a bit so to speak unnecessarily .
否则,你就浪费了一个比特位,也就 多余了。
Thus if you configure more logs than you need you use disk space unnecessarily .
因此,如果您配置的日志数量比需要的多,那么您就 不 必要 地 多使用了磁盘空间。
The result is an inefficient unnecessarily complicated regulatory and liability environment .
结果就造成了一个效率低下、复杂 得 多余的监管和责任环境。
Incorrect interpretation of conclusions drawn from laboratory studies has unnecessarily alarmed some people .
实验室研究错误的解释导致的结果使 不 必要的警告了传达到了部分普通人。
The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs
该机构因对救生药物的审批速度太慢而备受一些医生的 诟病 。
Ensure that you have first priority on your time and do not let others unnecessarily waste it .
确保在时间管理上你有你的优先安排,不要被别人 不 必要 地浪费。
To show off becomingly or advantageously . worry unnecessarily of excessively .
适当地或过分地显示. 不 必要 地过分地担心。
China and Russia have also suggested that carrying out the test would be ill advised and unnecessarily confrontational .
中国和俄罗斯也声明,进行试射是不明智的也是 不 必要的对抗。
The proposed regulations are ill-defined and cumbersome and could be unnecessarily costly .
提议的规章制度阐述不清、复杂低效,而且可能会 带来 不 必要的过高花费。
Total means exactly what you think it means but total is used unnecessarily on a frequent basis .
Total的含义和你认为的完全一样,但是,total总是被 不 必要 地使用。
The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing .
面试官的口气让人觉得受了他 多大恩惠似的,实在 没有 必要。
The next tip is to avoid unnecessarily inflating tasks .
下一个技巧是避免让任务 不 必要 地“膨胀”。
I thought his explanation was unnecessarily complex .
我认为他的解释是 过分复杂了。
The silence lengthened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers .
Be mindful you are not ignoring nor depleting your own energy reserves unwisely and unnecessarily .
要注意你并不是在忽视或是愚笨和 没有 必要的耗尽你的精力储量。
Even more important such a policy would have unnecessarily guaranteed future enmity with China .
更重要的是,这祥的政策不 必要 地保证了未来与中国为敌。
Although this strategy eliminates the risk of catastrophe it can impose unnecessarily high costs inhibiting economic growth .
虽然这个策略消除了灾难的风险,却也可能强加 不 必要的高消费,阻碍经济成长。
Worry unnecessarily of excessively .
不 必要 地过分 地担心。