
[jɔr, jor][jɔ:(r)]


  • These are not the log cabins of yore ; many are well-equipped and spacious second addresses .

    这些 屋子不是 过去的伐木 小屋,很多都是装备齐全的、宽敞的第二居所。

  • In days of yore men lived in caves . City Site of Old Alexandria

    古时候,人类住在山洞里。 亚历山大里亚古城遗址

  • This was once a Rome road in days of yore .

    这在 很久以前曾是一条古罗马道路。

  • The prison on the crag was not so dominant as of yore ;

    悬崖顶上的监狱不像以前那么 威风凛凛了。

  • Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore .

    郊区比 昔日更为 糟糕

  • Yore suggesting his death had something to do with my racetrack ?


  • This is'traditional'domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore .


  • In the days of yore it was usual for cavalrymen to wear suits of armour .


  • Perhaps they assume that modern Goldman is similar to the Goldman of yore the retail bank that sold 90 per cent of its riskiest securities to individual investors during the 1920s . If so that picture is wrong .

    可能他们认为,现代高盛与 昔日的高盛很像。上世纪20年代期间,作为零售银行的高盛将其90%风险最高的证券出售给了个人投资者。如果是这样,那么这种看法是错误的。

  • Come and relive the battles of yore .

    来重温 昔日的战斗吧。

  • He 's not a populist at all . He 's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore the faceless grey suits .

    他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地 身着灰色西装。

  • His reason at one and the same time riper and more troubled than of yore rose in revolt .

    他的那种比以前更加成熟、但也更加混乱的理性起来 反抗了。

  • In UNIX days of yore ( a scant two decades ago ) you typically accessed a UNIX machine through a dumb terminal .

    在UNIX的 早期(二十多年以前),用户通常通过一个哑终端来访问UNIX计算机。

  • Of ancient kings and queenes that had of yore ;


  • The love of yore now exists only in the memory .


  • In the not-so-long-ago days of yore the people of the world were illiterate and in need of entertainment .

    在不久前 往昔的日子里,世人在不识字的情况下,需要娱乐活动。

  • But while the technology has come a long way from the golf carts of yore electric vehicles today are not where they 'll be10 years from now .

    不过,虽然这项技术已经从 昔日的高尔夫球车很长的路,今天的电动车“不,他们将是10年了。”

  • The miserable waste ground where the refuse-matter had been heaped of yore was swallowed up and gone ; and in its frowsy stead were tiers of warehouses crammed with rich goods and costly merchandise .

    往昔堆积垃圾的污秽的荒地已经被吞没和消失了;过去 霉臭难闻的场所现在出现了一排排堆满了贵重货物与高价商品的货栈。

  • And as with the kings of yore their arbitrary powers are rarely used to benefit the little guy .

    而且,与 过去的君主 一样,他们的专断权力很少用来为 谋利。

  • Thy beauty is to me like those Nicean barks of yore .

    你的美在我眼里好似古代 尼西亚的小船。

  • Nowadays of course people are better educated than in the backward village communities of yore .

    如今,人们当然比在 很久 以前落后的乡村社会里受的教育要好。

  • Today AAA 's tow trucks have replaced the four legged rescue teams of yore .

    如今,美国汽车协会的拖车已经取代了 昔日的四条腿的救援队。

  • The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore

    这些影像勾起了对 昔日时光的强烈怀念。

  • Do you remember our true love of yore ?

    你记得 往昔我们的挚爱吗?

  • Some veil did fall I knew it all of yore .

    薄纱落地,这 就是我记得的所有的

  • As Mr. Darling puts his head out to kiss his wife we see that his face is more worn than of yore but has a softer expression .

    达林先生伸出头来吻他的妻子时,我们看到,他的脸比 以前 憔悴多了;但是,神情也温和多了。

  • You 're sure yore up for this ?

    你确定你都 没事了吗?

  • In days of yore dogs rolled in stinky stuff to hide the fact they were around and kept predators away .

    在天对 昔日的狗岸臭的东西要隐瞒事实,他们靠近,并不断食肉动物消失。

  • Unlike the kings of yore modern politicians cannot toss you in prison on a whim .

    过去的君主不同,现代政客不能一时 心血来潮就把你扔到监狱里去。