The Zany can help calm your baby and help your baby sleep better through the night .
它可以帮助你的孩子安静下来并且在晚上睡得更 踏实。
Q : Is that zany approach an advantage for you or for your viewers ?
问:你 搞 那些 装疯卖傻 的 噱头,对你,还是对你的观众有好处?
Modern Family portrays the lives of three zany families and has won three consecutive Emmy award as American television 's best comedy series .
美剧《摩登家庭》讲述的是三个 滑稽的家庭 之间 发生 的 故事,此剧已经连续三年获得美国艾美奖最佳喜剧。
But as you keep rapidly writing you 'll start putting down zany ideas that are too crazy to work like finding a magic lantern or robbing a bank .
但是你一直保持快速地书写的话,你会写下 一些 滑稽的想法,这些想法太过于疯狂,比如寻找一只魔术灯,或是抢银行之类的。
Like most people you enjoy being free-spirited and childish on occasion and you enjoy zany comedy or other entertainments to periodically break the usual routine .
你崇尚精神自由,偶尔会显得孩子气。你喜欢 滑稽喜剧和一些其他打破成规的娱乐活动。
20000 of these zany gadgets are sold each month .
这些 古怪 滑稽的小玩意儿每月销售20000件。
But that 's the idea behind an ad the latest emanation from China 's zany shanzhai culture a mixture of old-school copycatting and arch parody .
不过这正是一则广告背后的想法,这则广告是中国 荒唐的山寨文化的最新产物。山寨文化融合了老式的照搬照抄和搞怪的模仿。
They threw their King Kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic .
他们在一片未思索的匆忙中,匆匆把金刚凑在一起,而必须为 电影 的 荒唐不合逻辑负责。
If you have strong mildly zany or energetic interviewees then rely on them as much as possible to carry the story .
如果你遇到了强壮、稍微有 点 滑稽或者精力充沛的被采访者,那么尽可能地依靠他们表达故事。
Gaga 's May 23 tweet two days ahead of a sellout concert in Bangkok struck a raw nerve with some Thais who said the zany artist had dented the country 's reputation .
5月23日,即嘎嘎小姐曼谷售票演唱会举办前两天,她在推特上发布的消息触动了部分泰国人敏感的神经,他们称, 歌手 的 可笑 举动有损泰国声誉。
What a zany the old chap must be to light a bonfire when there 's no youngsters to please . This toy is not suitable for young children .
这个 老头 子真是糊涂 虫,要不怎么会没有小孩子哄,就点火玩儿 呢。这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。
Shakespeare invented almost 2 words from arouse to zany .
莎士比亚创造了大约2000个单词,从引起到 滑稽的。
Daisy is a pretty zany character .
戴西是一个非常 滑稽 可笑的人物。
He tried lecturing in California again with great success in the Ward style of zany inconsequence .
他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的 噱头也是模仿 沃德的。
With zany myopia economists like to claim that the deeper cause of every thing is economic .
滑稽的是, 那些 缺乏远见的经济学家总喜欢宣称任何现象都根源于经济。
Of course as the aforesaid writer of humorous fantasy I 'm obsessed by wacky zany ideas .
当然了,就像前面说的,我是写幽默奇幻的作家, 自然 净 是 古怪 滑稽的念头。
Zany gag-filled sci-fi spoof about a frozen man who has to adapt to a strange futurist world when he thaws out .
A woman in an airport once said to me ' Be zany ! '
一次在机场,一位女士对我说: 滑稽 点!
People always want zany goofy sh-t from me .
人们总是想要一个 滑稽、愚笨的我。