


  • The result showed that the conditions of two groups during after pull out urinous catheter had different obviousness that was P < 0.05.The injured function of bladder that improved group was obviously lower compared group .

    结果表明,两组 患者 管后上述 指标 情况有显著性差异,P<0.05。提示改良组膀胱功能损伤明显低于对照组。

  • Nonvisulization of the operated ureter was identified in 1 dog dissection discovered urinous infiltration of anastomotic stoma and urinoma surrounding the ureter .

    1只实验动物术侧肾盂输尿管始终不显影;解剖发现输尿管吻合口尿 外渗,周围形成尿性囊肿。

  • Dead breaths I living breathe tread dead dust devour a urinous offal from all dead .

    活人吸着死者呼 出来 踏着死者的遗骸,贪婪地吃着一切死者那 尿 的内脏。

  • Study of correlation between disturbance of lipids metabolism glycosylated hemoglobin and urinous albumin with type 2 diabetic nephropathy

    血脂糖化血红蛋白与2型糖尿病肾病 尿 微量白蛋白的相关性分析