


  • Experience of Transvaginal Ultrasonography on Diagnosis of Intrauterine Residue after Medical Abortion The clinical value of transvaginal ultrasound guided uterotubal patent test by hydrogen dioxide solution

    经阴道超声 探查药物流产后宫腔残留物的体会阴道超声引导下 双氧水 造影子宫 输卵 病变诊断的价值

  • Methods The rabbit hydrosalpinx model was developed by ligation of oviduct at the uterotubal junction .

    方法建立 输卵管积液动物模型,测定其 成分

  • Objective : To discuss the diagnostic value for uterotubal diseases by use of sonohysterography .

    前言:目的:探讨超声造影术在 子宫 输卵 疾病诊断中的价值。