


  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of phacoemulsification for complicated cataract secondary to uveitis .

    目的评估 色素 并发性白内障超声乳化手术的疗效。

  • In addition use of Age Intervention Eyelash may cause other adverse effects in certain people due to the bimatoprost including macular edema and uveitis which may lead to decreased vision .

    此外,睫毛增长液因为含有比马前列素在某些病人中能够导致不良反应,包括黄斑水肿,引起视力下降的 葡萄膜炎

  • The major complications of operation were uveitis and optic axis opaque .

    葡萄膜炎 反应和视轴区混浊为术后主要并发症。

  • ~ ( 99 ) Tc-MDP on aqueous humor and serum cytokines of experimental uveitis in rabbits

    ~(99)Tc-MDP对兔实验 葡萄膜炎房水及血清细胞因子的影响

  • This article will take the intermediate uveitis retinal vasculitis and intraocular lymphoma as examples to discuss in detail .

    本文将结合中间 葡萄膜炎,视网膜血管炎和眼内淋巴瘤病例进行分析讨论。

  • Tear secretion was decreased so that patients with dry eyes and a burning sensation a serious ocular conjunctiva corneal infection and ulcers and may result in uveitis cataract and glaucoma .

    泪液分泌减少使患者感到眼内干燥,并有烧灼感,严重者出现眼结膜、角膜感染和溃疡,并可导致 葡萄膜炎、白内障和青光眼。

  • Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and possible mechanism of the multiple sclerosis combined with uveitis .

    目的探讨合并 葡萄膜炎的多发性硬化的临床及可能的病理机制。

  • Uveitis often recurs especially if it is due to an underlying disease .


  • Most cases ( 75 % ) will be anterior uveitis in which one eye will be painful and red .

    大多数情况下,(75%),将前 葡萄膜炎,在其中一只眼睛将是痛苦和红色。

  • Objective to investigate the therapeutic effect of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataract with uveitis .

    摘要目的探讨 葡萄膜炎并发白内障晶状体超声乳化吸出及人工晶状体植入术的疗效。

  • Objective To observe the clinical features the complications and treatment effects of intermediate uveitis .

    目的观察中间 葡萄膜炎的临床表现、并发症和治疗效果。

  • Clinic analyse of heparin prevent uveitis after cataract surgery

    术中应用肝素抑制白内障术后 葡萄膜炎的临床分析

  • Clinical evaluation and analysis on traditional Chinese medicine cure uveitis synthesize

    中医药综合治疗 葡萄膜炎临床评价分析

  • Recent advances of lipopolysaccharide Toll-like receptor 4 on pathogenesis of acute anterior uveitis

    LPS-TOLL样受体-4在急性前 葡萄膜炎发病机制中的研究进展

  • Combing argon laser and Nd : YAG laser iridectomy to therapy angle-closure glaucoma following uveitis

    氩激光和Nd:YAG激光联合虹膜切除治疗 葡萄膜炎继发闭角型青光眼

  • Operation for Uveitis Combined with Cataract : A Report of 45 Cases


  • To observe immunologic function changes in two groups of patients with acute uveitis who were treated with traditional Chinese medicine fuming diluent and steroids .

    目的:观察中药复明冲剂和激素治疗急性 葡萄膜炎患者的免疫功能改变。

  • We discuss the pathogenesis of herpetic uveitis .

    初步探讨了单疱 葡萄膜炎的发病机理。

  • Endotoxin-induced cell apoptosis in rats uveitis

    内毒素诱导的大鼠 葡萄膜炎细胞凋亡的研究

  • Cases of uveitis that are associated with diseases may occur frequently over a long period of time .


  • The effect of ~ ( 99 ) Tc-MDP on experimental autoimmune uveitis in rabbits

    ~(99)Tc-MDP对兔实验性 葡萄膜炎 治疗作用

  • Efficacy and proper application of glucocorticoids in the treatment of acute anterior uveitis

    合理应用糖皮质激素治疗急性前 葡萄膜炎

  • Each iris anterior uveitis and more sustained attack Yan4-8 weeks may also be very stubborn prolonged Fuyu if appropriate treatment is generally not stay sequelae .

    每一次前 葡萄膜炎和虹膜炎发作多持续4-8周,也可能非常顽固,经久不愈,若治疗得当,一般不留后遗症。

  • Effects of corticosteroids on Th1 / Th2 cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the patients with uveitis

    糖皮质激素对 葡萄膜炎患者外周血Th1和Th2细胞因子的影响

  • The international impact of our uveitis research has been enhanced .


  • Patients with active ocular inflammation such as uveitis may experience an exacerbation of the condition .

    伴有诸如 葡萄膜炎之类的活动性眼睛炎症的患者则可能发生病情加剧。

  • The main postoperative complications were anterior uveitis and posterior synechia of the iris .

    术后主要并发症是前 葡萄膜炎和虹膜后粘连。

  • Study of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment for Autoimmune Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis

    骨髓间充质干细胞干预实验性自身性免疫 葡萄膜炎的研究

  • It can be caused by abnormal development of the drainage angle of the eye lens luxation uveitis or cancer .

    该疾病能由眼睛排泪角度的不正常发育、晶状体脱位、 葡萄膜炎或癌症引起。